
How do our eyes work?

by Guest59618  |  earlier

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when we se an object,light bounce off an object.




  1. the object reflects the light to your eye so you can see it

    thats why you cant see in the dark

  2. You've started off right - light bounces off an object and enters the eye through a hole called the pupil. Behind the pupil there is a flexible lens which focuses the light onto a layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye, called the retina. We have two types of cell in the retina - cones, which are sensitive to colour but only work in well-lit environments, and rods, which are good in low light but can't sense colour well. Anyway, these cells respond to light by producing electrical impulses which are carried down a bundle of nerves (the optic nerve) which leads into the brain. There it gets processed into the image we see.
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