
How do our troops feel knowing Obama voted not to fund them.?

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Edward- mcCain didn't. He voted the same way Hillary did, only he stood behind them when she turned her back on them.




  1. There is a HUGE difference between funding a WAR and funding TROOPS.

    Keep in mind they were sent into battle under-equipped in the first place.  And no one was denying them what they needed to do the job, but rather, trying to deny the war mongers continued money for their WAR

  2. According to John kerry they probably don't know, he said only uneducated people end up in the military serving in Iraq.

  3. He also votes to support flag burners. Can you imagine a flag burner as Commander in Chief?

  4. My niece is in the National Guard and she says 90% of the soldiers are supporting McCain.

  5. Obama may have voted to not fund the war.  your "hero" on the other hand, voted for no money for combat veterans coming home all skrewed up.

  6. Probably better than American veterans feel about McCain voting AGAINST increasing their benefits again and again and again and again and again.

    P.S. Voting to end the occupation in Iraq is a GOOD thing. If I were witnessing the slaughter of innocent civilians in a sovereign nation, I would want my politicians to move Heaven and Earth to BRING ME HOME.

  7. How do veterans feel about McCain not helping them?

  8. Obama voted not to support the surge, he championed the investigation at Walter Reed and voted in favor of veteran's benefits.  McCain, a veteran himself, voted against it....guess he figures all vets have 8 houses like him!

  9. the same when the find out that mc cain voted against veterans issues.

    wasnt it obama that brought froth the problems at water reid?

  10. I can't speak for them, but probably not as bad as they felt about McCain sending them off to war with inadequate body armor and equipment and no well-defined mission in the first place.

  11. Probably the same way they felt when Bush underfunded them. If you read his past budgets, yes defense spending was increased, but only one percent of the defense budgets were allocated to soldiers, which meant that families had to scrape together money for lifesaving armor for their loved ones. Did they realize how Bush sold them short?

  12. I think you have it backwards, Obama voted for the funding...McCain did not and, although the measure passed, Bush VETOED the bill.  Get your facts straight...

  13. Thankful they won't be there for 100 years.

  14. I'm a Soldier and I recognize that it was a vote to end the war funding not to deprive me of a paycheck.

    Reading all the answers I above I DO feel like a pawn in y'alls game though.

  15. Better than they did knowing Bush sent them to die for a lie.

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