
How do oyu discipline your kids?

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i have a 3 year old and i used to be able to do the counting to 3 thing but it isnt working lately. i think its becasue her new friends parents dont discipline their kids, my friends dont discipline theirs either and while we were at a birthday party little KaiLei swas showing her tail. I need some new ideas and how to go about them. please help me i dont want my child to grow up to be bad.




  1. Be loving, kind, and gentle with children, but be firm. Teach them how to pray and let your life be an example for them to follow.

  2. I tell my 4yr old he better stop what he's doing or he goes to the step, if he carries on I send him to the naughty step for 4mins, if he gets up he goes straight back and starts the 4 mins again, I use a timer next to the step so he knows when his 4mins is up.

    One time he kept getting up from the step and ended up spending almost 45mins there because he had to keep re-starting his time, after that episode he now gets sent to the step may be 2-3 times a month now, usually a verbal warning and threat of the step is enough to set him straight.

  3. i usually get down to my kids level and tell them what they are doing is uncalled for, and if it's done again they will have to go to their room. oh, btw my kids are 3 and 4. Usually this works. IF you're not at home, pick a time out spot and make that be the place if she is going to keep acting up. I don't believe in spanking and have only spanked my children a hand full of times in their short lives.

  4. One child? No brothers or sisters?

    If you threaten something will happen when you get to 3, fulfill your promise (smack, take toy away, or whatever), so never use 1,2,3 unless you are willing to follow through.

    I may introduce an expendable toy, like a balloon. Then after they do something that may hurt themselves, I pop the balloon and say "That balloon is not as important as you are to me. I don't want you to go pop, so please don't do that. I love you too much."

  5. I used the warning and thinking chair method.

    When my child was been naughty i would tell her once " you do not do that and if you do that again you will be sitting on the thinking chair for 3 mins" if she did the same thing again i grab her by the arm ( firmly but not to hurt her)sit her on the chair and get down to her level giving eye contact and say "i asked you not do that it is very naughty and as you continued to do it you will now sit her for 3 mins (1 min for each yaer of her life) when she had sat on the chair for the full 3 mins i would then crouch down to her and say " do you know why mummy put you on the thinking chair" to which she normally would reply "yes" with and explanation. she would then appologize and we would then have a kiss and cuddle and everthing would be back to normal. Do not let the child get off the chair until he/she has appologized. If the child gets off the chair put him/her on for a further 3 mins and don't say anything.

    It does work as long as you stick too it and don't over use the chair you must always give a warning first before sitting them on the chair. sour chair is now used as a stool so she can reach the light switches.

    Some people call it a naughty chair but i prefer thinking chair as she is taking time to think about why she is sitting there.

    She hasn't sat on the chair for nearly 1 year now and I now use the 1-2-3 method and i only every get to 1 before she moves or does what i have asked her to do in ther first place...

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