
How do parents feel after they beat they're child?

by  |  earlier

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Like their emotions are they happy or sad or what do they feel




  1. depends on the parent..

  2. depends what you mean by 'beating' , do you mean just a smack or punching , kicking etc. i think if you have just smacked your child you would feel angry with them because you have just punished them for doing something naughty . Properly beating your child ...? well this all depends on the person , they may do this beacuse they have something mentally wrong with them by which they can't control so they would either feel angry  with themselves for doing it  or numb(they feel nothing). however if they do know what they are doing and why they are doing it then i would think they would feel angry with the person they beat up .

    If you are the parent beating your child then this behaviour is not actceptable , i suggest you seek professional help . If you are the child recieving it , TELL SOMEONE, they can help & your parents don't have to find out you told.

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