
How do people accept positive and negative criticisms?

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How do people accept positive and negative criticisms?




  1. By learning to listen.If learn to listen, you will be able to notice that we all have varying expressions but with the same point.

    that is if you listened carefully.

    You can also do so by seek to learn from or hear the other person's explanation in detail.

    if you by now understand that we are all different, then you will have learned that we all express ourselves it should not make you loose your head, but rather make the person understand your point.

    You accept by thanking the person wright from the bottom of your heart.

    Thanks for asking

  2. It depends

  3. I tend to view all criticism as positive. Even the rude and bashing stuff is useful character developing material.

  4. It depends on the person and what the criticism is about

  5. most of the time they do not accept either, so its just better to keep your mouth shut sometimes smile and walk a way before you get caught up in their bull c**p without an exit.

  6. My step sister accepts positive as a right and denies all negative. She's a paranoid narcissist!

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