
How do people adapted to their lifestyle in Mozambique?

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and also what are the lifestyles? and how people changed this region?

im doing a report...and yea...i kinda need help on it :1




  1. On the south eastern coast of Africa on Indian Ocean, Mozambique straddles the coast from 10 1/2 to 27d S. A country of 309,000sq.miles (801,000 area and 22 million people. It has a remarkably long stretch of coast not unlike Chile, Norway but unlike their heavily indented shorelines. It is a curious fact that it is the only member of Commonwealth not ruled by the British but was under Portugueses rule.

    Country has abundant rainfall, good soils, fertile river valleys of Zambesi, its prncipal river and Limpopo at the southern end. Kariba dam and the irrigation network of Zambesi benefits its interior province of 'Tete' in the west and Cabora Bassa dam in Inhambane province. Much of the country is still wilderness, full of wildlife - from the big 5 (Lion, Elepahnt, Giraffe, Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus) to the pink flamingo infested swamps of Zambesi delta.

    The people belong to various Bantu tribes. Portugal was confronted with the Marxist Freedom movement under Samora Machel an forced to leave conceding independence on July 25, 1975. The marxist impact is vey marked on the outlook of people and their hunger to develop. But people remain backward with low vital indices of education, health. Like in most neighbouring countries the incidence of HIV is significantly high. Agriculture is the main occupation, though there is a lot of scope to develop it further. Mozambique is a big exporter of Cashewnuts; much of it to the factories on Kerala coast of India where they are processed, packed and sold. Produces Cassava, maize, sugar and hemp. Considerable mining activity is there, though not comparable to its neighbours (South Africa, Zimbabwe & Zambia). There is one gold mine (Monarch mine). Though it has a very long coast, fishing is still to develop.

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