
How do people become Fat vegetarians????

by Guest59633  |  earlier

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I dont understand,recently i decieded to stop eating meat (along with dairy and anykind of sugar or choclate) Although i am seeing all these fat vegetarians. How does this happen?How can i avoid it?





  1. ok ENOUGH! im so sick of these vegetarian steryotypes vegs are just like"normal" ppl only smarter(its true that or meat-eaters r just evil) so if u eat unhealthy snaks and stuff like too much candy or watv or ure body is just naturally fat then hey ure fat ok? but if ure healthy and/opr hav a fast metabilism then guess wat, ure not fat. thats it its very simple.

    to avoid:


    dont eat so much soy and if u eat meat dont eat it and if u "MUST" then dont eat so much its unhealthy

    eat healthy fruits and vegs, not so many things like bannanas tht r high in fat and stuff(its ok like once a week tho)

  2. Maybe they go to McDonalds and eat lots of french fries and apple pies thinking it's a good way to get their fruits and vegetables

  3. Weight gain is all about calories in versus calories out.  Eating too much, not exercising enough, or eating a lot of calorie-dense foods all contribute to weight gain.  One *could* eat tons of ice cream, cheetos and french fries and be vegetarian.

  4. lots of junk foods, starchy foods like pastas, fries and bread.

    vegetarian cakes and cookies.

  5. they eat a lot of refined carbs, and unhealthy snacks.  some do it primarily for the animal cruelty thing, and not for nutrition necessarily.

  6. Your question reminds me of someone that had a serious addiction to Blue Bell ice cream (a Texas tradition that is very fattening) and was over 300 lbs at one time.......

    Reason that people become over weight is because they take in more calories that they use.

    So to avoid such just make sure that you eat a well balanced diet that covers all your nutritional needs that isn't more calories than you need, along with some exercise.

  7. It's GMOs. They inflate you. Go organic! Did you know Rice is now made by Bayer? It's called LL62. Drug companies are making our foods in labs!

    ps: Today the FDA just approved zapping our veggies with radiation! And they are using the same E.Coli reason (It's really GMOs) to do it.

  8. Oh, it's not hard to be a fat vegetarian. Although it can definitely help a peson to lose weight, if they just cut out meat, it's not doing much. Vegetarians usually omit the meat from their diet and then substitute it with vegetables and other stuff, but some vegetarians eat too much junk and still suffer from the effects of that. A lot of what makes a person fat comes from meat-less foods. Unlike you, these vegetarians aren't cutting down on the chocolate. :)

  9. They eat junk instead of delicious fruits and vegetables!!

  10. because unlike you they still eat chocolate and sugar, when people cut out protien from meat they crave so many other things. Your best bet is to work out along with maintaining your diet and you'll be fine.

  11. A lot of people use meat substitutes that are FULL of fat.  Soy protein in things like Worthington and Loma Linda veggie-meats are fattening, as well as the full-fat butter people cook with.  Being vegetarian isn't all it takes...

  12. ha ha!

    first, i want to say that eggs should be a part of that. the laying hens are often in the worst conditions and eggs are high in fat and cholesterol. plus more hens (because they are smaller) means more pollution and global impact.

    but if you are vegan (meaning zero animal products) the biggest mistake you can make is relying heavily on processed foods, like meat and cheese substitutes. stick to whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruits and you'll be very healthy.

    lastly, fat shouldn't matter! obese is unhealthy, but a little bootylicious-ness never hurt. in fact, it is healthy!

  13. They eat junk food like hot chips and other things when some vegetarians eat heaps of greens and stay away from the unhealthy stuff.

  14. There are a lot of very fattening things that are Vegetarian. That doesn't mean you should or have to eat them it just explains why there are fat Vegetarians.

  15. Eat lots.

    Exercise little.

    If you don't want to be fat, do the opposite.

  16. You are simply eating more calories than you are burning off.  Alhough the food you are eating is healthy you are consuming more energy than what your body needs.

  17. Why are there fat meat eaters?

    Most people are fat because of junk food.

    Junk food does not contain meat therefore it is okay to eat.

  18. Perhaps they were fat before becoming vegetarian.

    Often it is dairy that makes them fat.

    Eating junk foods, drinking beer...

    Plus doing no exercise what-so-ever.

  19. People can be overweight or many different reasons. Since generally vegetarians and vegans tend to be their normal weight rather than over their weight than others due to the foods generally they eat are better. Still there are many fattening veg foods out there, mainly the processed ones, sweets, etc that some veg*ans eat. As well veg*ans can overeat at times, as some do. Another reason is due to the fact they could have a disease of sort that makes it difficult to loose weight or stay the same weight and makes them gain weight, such as PCOS, or a thyroid problem. Also if you are a vegetarian who still eats dairy and egg products they contain a lot of fat and cholesterol.

    To avoid it just eat healthy and exercise and do not overeat.

  20. By taking in more calories than they burn.

  21. Yeah I totally didn't lose weight on a vegan diet, and had to start really watching what I ate.

    Think potatoes, pasta, peanut butter, margarine, pancakes, vegan cup cakes, cereals, and a million other high calorie foods.

  22. They eat junk food.

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