
How do people become friends on here?

by  |  earlier

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im new and have none :(




  1. Just hang about and add contacts you like the look of. Then if they have a 360 account, message them through there, or click their message button on their profile. Then start a conversation about **** all! That's how I found my YA buddy!

  2. I will be your friend

  3. By talking to alot of people, like your doing now. I will be honored to be your friend.

  4. just add some people to your contacts and start emailing them tellin them about yourself. but don't make it seem creepy. You can add me to your contacts.

  5. 2. my mummy and my little sister! :D

  6. Here on Y!A or on Y!360? I'll be your friend...

  7. just start talking to people alot of people add contacts based on the questions they ask ask intellegent questions u'll get alot of contacts or just make people laugh i'll be happy to add u to my list

  8. Just ask them a question like do you want to be my friend  and see if you get a the way welcome i hope you stay for long.

  9. Add me to your contacts, I'd love to be your friend

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