
How do people change habitats?

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What do people do to change habitats? (Particularly, ponds!)




  1. put structure in the pond,like dead trees,Christmas trees,bails of hay,anything that would give fish shelter and they will hang around them once they get use to it being there.dig out deep holes in corners,make a map of what ever you do so you know where they are.good fishing.

  2. In a pond ecosystem, people changes habitats by removing species, plants and animal, allowing not native species in (again plant and animals) manicuring (mowing) the shore lines this creates erosion and get rid of a buffer zone that is used in species protection as well as a place to nest it also keeps geese in the water not on the shore. Pollution can change the chemical make up of the water not allowing for certain species to live inside anymore.

    Temperature sometimes there is a discharge in to a pond ( could be of anything Even perfectly clean water) that is a different temperature then the natural temperature of the pond and it can cause the entire pond ecosystem to change... since food supplies change also different types of fish need different temperature to survive.

    There are many other factor of how we as humans change habitats. however we are not the only species capable of changing ecosystems... beaver for example can make stream and river into ponds..

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