
How do people come about with the stereotype of "dumb" blondes?

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Why do people believe that blonde hair makes you dumb?




  1. I heard it was because previously the bleach used to dye hair blonde would damage the brain cells. But its all good now apparently....

    Lol but i'm still dumb and i get my hair dyed blonde go figure...

  2. One of my friends calls me blonde because I am slow to get some of his jokes.  Though I am not blonde.

    I think they get that idea from long ago when it was stereotyped like that on tv from the comdedy shows.

  3. i think it's because a lot of blondes are very pretty looking and ppl assume that all they care about is their apperance which is completely wrong i know many blondes who are highly gifted and intelligent. it's just another label ppl put on others to make themselves feel better i guess.

  4. Guys find blondes sexxy, and if you are seen as pretty then you must be dumb. Blonde guys don't get these jokes thrown at them as often. Sometimes when people are grown up with these stereotypes, they begin to say to themselves that there may be some truth to it. They see themselves as a dumb blonde, and act the part untill it becomes their identity. I am blonde, as you can see I'm capable of spelling. I am dumb about some things. I believe it has more to do with being human than being blonde. I suppose that it's possible that blondes are caused by some type of genetic mutation, and that I really am not as smart as others.. I know a blonde that graduated valedictorian of her class though, so that can't be true. I think that girls that are sexually open are the ones that are treated the dumbest. Blonde hair is a symbol of s*x and p**n stars..if you combine a sexxy personality with blonde hair, you will be treated like an idiot.  People think of Jessica Simpson, Marilyn Monroe..(By the way Marilyn Monroe wasn't even a real blonde)..etc. Even the famous Barbara Walters has shown many blonde moments, including her driving problems. If you are a blonde and you would like to meet other blondes then join my group at :

    I started it today, probably one of my "blonde moments" but I think that it would be fun to see other blondes interacting with one another. We are few and far apart, and if there is any truth to blondes being dumber than the average joe.. then this will be the place to find out..  then shoot ourselves afterward, thus helping to rid the world of stupidity. Please know that was only a joke, I have a strange sense of humor.. The group will be a fun experiment..

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