
How do people cope with police who are so stupid?

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In the interest's of fairness to a question just a few minutes ago,how do people deal with abrasive and obvious thicko's in the police force who arrest people knowing they are innocent and knowing the law covers them for being 'within their rights'to arrest someone?




  1. Shut up, co-operate, call your lawyer,,,

  2. Are you kidding?? Try to be the cop dealing with people who are so stupid. I used to think that the Springer Show was staged, because certainly people can't be that dumb. But they actually are. So think before you post a comment like that. There are a ton more stupid people than there are cops.

  3. Beer

  4. Must we have to repeat ourselves again?  Check out the responses to Mr. Master Degree's question from yesterday........[Police: Protectors or Liars?] this is his question.  Are you not the same joker that has a fetish with, "a man in uniform"?

  5. What can you do.  The police have the last say.  Either they can arrest you or they have the power to let you off with a warning.  You can be obnoxious but if you are, you're going for a ride.  If you yell, scream, swear, you get **** tacked on.  The only thing you can do is "yes sir" or "no sir."  It's not worth the risk by arguing.

  6. the only real protection is a videocamera...even then they can confiscate the film so, a digi cam wired to a laptop with live feed to the a public servant they cannot require you to stop filming them in public

  7. They complaint to the police standards dept,  IPCC, or they call a solicitor that specialises in police complaints.  Also the police cannot just go around arresting people without a lawful reason, but if they haven't got any sensible  they can do you for " breach of the peace"

  8. Give them so much hassle that they are doing paperwork for the rest of the week.

  9. theres only one to deal with police like this make their fob as hard as possible!

  10. The same way we (police) deal with stupid people.........

  11. Maybe it is a contagious disease they get from having to deal with members of the public who act like abrasive thickos...If the police believe you have committed a crime they are duty bound to arrest you and it is for the courts to decide if you are guilty

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