
How do people deal with clinical depression outside of medication?

by Guest59880  |  earlier

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How do people deal with clinical depression outside of medication?




  1. People relize thats life.      Depression is more of a state of mind less a medical condition  make changes in your life that make you happy ..  If the depression is that big of a deal you would be willing to risk certian things to change your life around.

  2. I think finding a good Therapist will help, besides that Stress management and relaxation techniques are helpful.

  3. Regular exercise tends to ameliorate symptoms of depression, particularly if done on a regular basis.

    Also, outside activities (away from the home) also tend to lessen these symptoms.

    Acupuncture has been discussed as another alternative treatment. I do not know how effective it may be, but you may want to consider it.

    Good luck.

  4. If the depression is not too severe, time may heal any wounds that a situation might have caused.   Sometimes time will help heal grief.

    Therapy also is helpful because it helps a person look at his/her depression and find options to better manage it.  Therapy helps a person to realize there are choices he/she can make.  Best Wishes.

  5. Counseling helps you to recognize triggers to depression and finding ways to stop the depression before it starts.  This probably won't work well with severe depression.  Also, sometimes depression is caused by suppressed feelings, especially anger.  Sometimes getting in touch with these feelings and recognizing what caused them and then dealing with it helps.  Again, counseling helps with that too.  Some people need medication anyway.  If there is a chemical imbalance in the brain, medication can help balance it.  Another thing to try with a counselor is eye movement therapy and also neuro-feedback. If you can find someone in your area who does these, they can work wonders, even with a chemical imbalance.

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