
How do people draw anime on the computer?

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I keep finding these pics on the internet which were obviously not drawn by hand and i'd love to be able to draw my own so i was wondering how i could. any help would be appreciated, thnx

Leanne x




  1. chances are, they have a tablet. (eg: some let you draw directly on screen, or some have a drawing pad that transfers everything you draw onto the computer screen.)

    either that, they draw it on paper, scan it, color it in photoshop/edit in photoshop.

    some people just use their mouse to draw stuff!

  2. its hard and kinda easy lol, but it depends if u have good talent in art

    for me, it took all night lol im only 14

    here it is

    i used Microsoft paint

  3. I do some digital art and I use  a simple $100 Wacom tablet and a free system called 'Open Canvas' its almost as good as Photoshop ^.^ Though most artist I know use Photoshop. Ohter systems do include, GIMP and some like Iscribble (like me). If you can't download these then you can always use MS Paint. I've seen wonderful artwork done with that simple system. And you can draw on your computer with your mouse too! If you don't have a tablet thats fine ^.^ A mouse will do too.

  4. I was wondering this myself until a week or so ago. I think the art you're asking about is done on open Canvas. I don't know much about it myself yet so do some research -- I think it's what you're looking for.

  5. I use my mouse

  6. ugh with A LOT of difficulty and talent

    u just hav to practice by hand and on the comp

    i no it's terrible XD

  7. You need a pen tablet (an accessory for your computer which allows you to use a pen as if it were a mouse, so you can draw onto your computer as if you were drawing on paper). It's possible to use a mouse to draw with, but extremely frustrating and difficult, and it's very unlikely any good quality artwork you have seen was made with one. The most popular manufacturer of pen tablets is Wacom, but there are also cheaper brands available. Do a little research if you are interested in one - they make computer art a lot of fun.

    You will also need some software to draw into. This can be anything from a complex program like Photoshop to a very simple one like MS Paint. Popular free programs are OpenCanvas and GIMP (a Google search should supply you with links to download them). If you need to learn how to use them, search for tutorials too.

    Good luck!

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