
How do people feel about being lied to by Sarah Palin last night?

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She neglected to say that she "flip-flopped" on the "bridge to nowhere" plan but still received almost $400 million of federal dollars (meant for the bridge, that never happened because after she said she was for it, she changed her mind), but still got the MONEY! How is that okay? That is $400 million of our tax dollars that could have been spent in a much wiser way.




  1. If I give you $100 and you say you are going to buy shoes, then you decide you do not need shoes and are going to buy a shirt, how is that a bad thing?

    Flip-flopping is going back and forth to appease everyone, like tell Dad you want shoes and tell Mom you want a shirt, just to get the money.

    She changed her mind after citizen input. That's a good thing. It means she listens to those who elected her.  That is a great thing!

  2. how is looking into lower cost alternatives to the bloating budget of a project, flip-flopping? she hasn't said she's against the bridge. she is against that particular $400mil version of a bridge.

    btw, how a politician votes "present" 130 times and not "yay" or "nay", and stays in office is quite beyond me. talk about flip-flopping, Obama cant make a decision, much less flip-flop on one..

  3. She stretched the truth on a lot of things.  Check fact check:

    At a glance it's an impressive speech, but when you dissect it, it's full of dishonesty.  Makes me more for Obama-Biden than before, because the more I research the smears on them, the better they come out when I find the smears are not only false, but I discover more things that strengthen my support.  And I've been on the fence as an Independent here, I'm not any sort of rallying partier by any means.

  4. okay if it's not  okay for her to change her mind then HOW IN THE WORLD do you like Obama?he's changed his stance on things many times--look at his background!!~

  5. I didnt believe Palin...she was really annoying and she attacked obama personally and thats fuked up

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