
How do people film themselves driving?

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how do they mount the camera?




  1. Just mount it on the dash with the all purpose duck tape.

  2. I got a cool window mount on ebay. I forget the model name (I'm not going to run to my garage right now...).

    It basically has two rubber clamp things, that look like brake pads on your car, and you clamp it on the window that is rolled partially down.

    Then it has a small rotating head that you mount the camera.

    Works great.

    They also have suction cup camera mounts, that you can stick on the hood of your car, with the camera pointing inwards.  (Make sure to bungie the camera to something else, in case the cup comes off).

    Look on ebay under photo gear, and also in the photo - movie section.

  3. With a camera, duh

  4. the easiest way to do that is stick a cam facing the driving seats head rest and probably a lil lover if u are short and that should do the trick

  5. They get creative. Use your laptop and a mini cam taped to the dash.

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