
How do people get addicted to drugs?

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How do people get addicted to drugs?




  1. By taking a substance their bodies really do not need at the time to self-medic inward pain they are trying to deaden. Or some times perhaps they were on the meds for medical reasons and it turns into a need stronger than they can deal with. Or sometimes it is a performance a rock star that thinks he/she can only perform well while on cocaine or something. But of course, if he/she were in counseling you would probably find out that the underlying cause would be something like low self-esteem from some one who told them that they were not good enough the way they pretty much inward pain again. We are all victims of victims really. Just my opinion.  

  2. By doing them on a regular basis. Some are more addictive than others. Like you would have to smoke pot for quite a long time (a few months or even years on a daily basis) to really become "addicted", but an opiate, like heroin or high mg. oxycodone could get you hooked VERY quickly, within a couple weeks. Snorting high mg. OC (80's) feels so god d**n good with no come down @ first, but then quite quickly you are an absolute FIEND, and are like what the **** happened!? Another hugely addictive drug is Methamphetamine. Cocaine and cigarettes are considered very addictive, but in my personal experience they are harder to become addicted to because good coke has such a HORRIBLE come down that you kind of know better than to **** too much with it, and you have to smoke a LOT of cigs for a long time to really become too dependent, but obviously it is VERY possible considering the number of smokers. And for all of the stupid people out there who are like "I do drugs, but I'll never get addicted", you just started or you are doing drugs that don't cause much dependence like LSD and shrooms. You can't really become addicted to hallucinogens because usually you are trying to get back to reality after your trip ASAP!! Maybe thats just me though. To each his own.  

  3. Genes: Genetics play a significant role: having parents with alcoholism, for instance, makes you four times more likely than other children to become alcoholics. More than 60 percent of alcoholics have family histories of alcoholism.

    Mental illness: Many addicted people also suffer from mental health disorders, especially anxiety, depression or mood illnesses.

    Early use of drugs: The earlier a person begins to use drugs the more likely they are to progress to more serious abuse.

    Social environment: People who live, work or go to school in an environment in which the use of alcohol and other drugs is common - such as a workplace in which people see heavy drinking as an important way to bond with coworkers - are more likely to abuse drugs.

    Childhood trauma: Scientists know that abuse or neglect of children, persistent conflict in the family, sexual abuse and other traumatic childhood experiences can shape a child's brain chemistry and subsequent vulnerability to addiction.

  4. Because if you take them for awhile,you get to like the feeling.Then you gotta start taking more to get that feeling and so on and so on.It's best to just not even "TRY" them! If you do, there is a good chance you will get addicted!

  5. i dont know try some and find out

  6. Depends on the drugs you use.  There are uppers or stimulant, downers or depressant, halucinogens or solvent.

    Straight to the point: opium, heroine, cracks, cocaine are real addictive drugs.  Once you take it thrice or more, you will become addicted.

    There are some drugs which are habitual forming drugs like shabu, stimulant, etc.  There will be a point that you will never know when must you stop or you will never know & that it is the moment when it is already uncontrollable.

    This is the moment,  whenever the time comes when you will say to yourself I can still control the consumption, then that is already the high risk that you are already addicted.

    Addiction means you cannot perform well or normal in the absence of the drugs.

    I hope you learn something from me coz I experienced it already.

  7. once people is introduced to drugs to use them, they start feeling that is completely comfortable to forget their distress......

    hence they continue to have drugs to come of their distress. actually they do not get out of their distress it becomes more and they feel that they need more of drugs and take more drugs and becomes addicted.

  8. well there are two ways. ONe the person can get addicted to the effects of the drug which is common in people with addictive personalities. Two the person could be chemically addicted to the drug. For example heroin the body will physically crave it. In some cases a person will actually die if they suddenly stop using.

  9. First off, not being able to say the word 'no'.

    The drug gives a kick first time it's taken, the person takes it again, gets the kick. After a while of doing this, the kick stops, and the person keeps taking the drug in order to try and get that kick.

    This is addiction.  

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