
How do people get their own unique laugh? is it born to us or do we develop it through the years? ?

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this is a question in my biology class for extra credit because the teacher didnt know and i cant find anything about it on google..does anyone really smart know?




  1. I think laughter is something that is born within us and as we develop our own personalities, we find that what is inside of us - comes out.  If we are open and extroverted, our laughter will reflect that - some people more boisterous than others.   Also, I believe that the 'size' of a person might also have something to do with the 'sound' or heartiness of their laughter.  In other words, a heavy set man with a large belly would not be expected to laugh with a tiny, almost unheard laugh.  

    As for me - I laugh loud and hearty - when something is really funny - like Katt Williams! When I am in my classroom and a student says something funny - I tender my laughter accordingly.  Sometimes, students can think you are laughing 'at' them instead of with them.

    Whatever the case - I follow the Word of God which says in Proverbs that "a merry heart is good like a medicine".  Most people are sick and sad and unhappy because they do not know how to laugh.  

  2. I'm not really smart, but I have an opinion :)

    I have wondered this myself at times, especially after my son was born.  I think you are born with a certain laugh that changes over time.  I've always loved hearing my son laugh, and have really noticed how his laugh has changed over the years.  It has gone from a childish giggle to a regular laugh.  At times I have noticed that it changes it sometimes will sound like his friends' laugh that he has been spending a lot of time with.  So, I think we are born with a basic laugh that is our own, but over time it develops into a unique laugh that has been influenced by those around us.

  3. Really it all depends on your nasal passages and esophagus. A person with allergies laughs different than a person with out allergies. Thus, comes to mind the snort, snoring, and so forth. And laughs may change over time depending on health and puberty can also effect your laugh.

    Laughs do tend to develop and change over time. But you are born with a laugh....

    and it depends on how funny the joke is!^^

  4. we develop it, if we are shy, we will probably laugh on the quiet side, a loud annoying person usually has a loud annoying. a s**y perosn will usually just giggle

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