
How do people get transfers to different high schools?

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i have a friend who goes to a high school and wants a transfer to a school that isn't in her zone. can she still go? how does she get the transfer? if a student's parent doesnt want their kid to go to the school that they are in currently can they change the school no matter what?




  1. I've known people that did that, I never found out if it was allowed though. I don't think they wouldn't let you. I'd go to the school's office and ask those people there...

  2. "how does she get the transfer" She applies at the school that she wants to go to. A good reason would be moving in to their district or taking a program that the new school offers that is not available at her home school./

    if a student's parent doesnt want their kid to go to the school that they are in currently can they change the school no matter what" No, she will need the permission of her parent or legal guardian

  3. im actuallt transferring highschools in september. the school im going to is outside my zone /area but my mom had to right a letter to the school about and they accepted me anyway. .

  4. In the last several years, schools all over have tightened up on their regulations about attending out of zone.  It's because funding for the school is tied to things like number enrolled, average daily attendance, drop-out rate, and so on.  It's all about the money.  If school A has a student that's supposed to be at school A but is going to school B, then school A ends up having to pay school B for educating school A's kid.  They really don't want to do that.  They also don't want to get caught not getting money for educating school B's kid.

    SO!  All that to say, there are actually several ways you can transfer.  One is for your family to move to the district you want to go to.  That can be expensive.  Another is if your current school is designated as a "failing school" and the ruling is that you can transfer to a better one.  That takes lots of red tape.  Another way is if school B has some sort of special program that you need but school A does not have for some reason.  That takes lots of red tape too.

    Some people have gotten away with it if they have a relative or close friend who lives in the district of school B, and they lie and say the student lives with them now.  But if you get caught (and some schools DO check!), there can be penalties.  You could get expelled, your parents could be in trouble, AND you have to go back to your old school anyway, if you're not expelled for the rest of the year.

  5. if it is anything like here, it shouldnt be too hard. first, she has to find someone who lives in the zone she wants  to go to school at, it has to be the same district. she , her parent, and the other person must walk down to the pupil enrollment place and say that the child is now staying with the person whom you brought downtown with your. then the workers there will take it from there. or she and her parent can go to a magnet school if she has one in her district. all she has to do is go to her origional school and withdraw and go to the magnet school . you'll need to get whatever info you need from your origional school. my bro and me have tried the same thing and it works. if you need anyyyyyyy more questions just contact me at

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