
How do people go about taking control of a precinct and get away with it?

by  |  earlier

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edit. What I mean is related to a police precinct. I have read somewhere that some people are organized to do it. Please !!! I have no intentions of doing this but am curious as to how it's done.




  1. I don't know of any examples in the U.S. However, the issue of "no-go" zones in the U.K. is getting to be a big problem. There are neighborhoods where the entire community supports the criminals. This usually happens when a group, with a shared ethnicity or religion, has isolated itself from the rest of society, like the Muslim "no-go" zones in parts of London.

  2. that's just something that's not going to happen, unless you have a death wish. to take control of a police precinct, means you've got to be violent and you don't think those cops aren't going to notice angry people with weapons headed towards their pct. how do you think they're going to react...i can tell you... they're going to start shooting people. swat is going to be called and i know one of them is going to make the following radio call, "shots fired...officers need assistance...all units in the area of whatever precinct respond code 3" and believe me, they will.

    lets say a few people did get into a police station, with the intent of taking control of it...what then? they're going to look around and see a whole lot of people with guns ready to defend that building. the sheer no. of officers is going to be  sooooo overwhelming, that people who got in are going to leave...quietly.

    just not going to happen in the u.s.

  3. By committing crimes and no they do not get away with it.

  4. 40 to5ok lbs of armoured truck steel at 8o + mph blowing throw there weakest point,concrete and rebar is not enough to st op it.Blowing up their gas storage tanks, surviving the impact and heavily armoured n armed seek out n cold blooded kill every living thing in it. should you survive it,you hit the next one etc...

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