
How do people go on in Long Distance Relationships?

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Can they Last?





  1. I believe if two people share true love together,then their long distance relationship will last,I Love you babe! always and forever.  

  2. Yes they can last but at some point (which is determined by each individual relationship) I think the two must come together at least in the same city to take the relationship forward.

  3. If it is a strong true love Yes. it Just takes a lot of communication and Seeing each other as often as you both can. Love can endure many things if its true.  

    Take care my dear friend.  Keep that hospital gown tied in the back if you don't you may feel a draft. Been there done that. Ha ha ha.  I love ya blue  = ) xx Sugar bug

  4. not usually no they dont last

  5. every relationship has the potential to last. it depends on the people, situations everything, everyone is different. My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years, and you know what he has been in the military for 2 years, and we are still together. I stayed home to go to college, he chose the military. but we love each other, and we do everything we can to make it work. we email everyday, talk on the phone as much as possible. which isn't always easy. but we know that if we both play our cards right, we will be together like normal people soon enough. so, yes, i think they can last. but again.. we have had our share of problems too. trust was once a BIG issue. bu we managed to get through that even. sometimes i even wonder if it is worth it, and then i try to picture my life without john, and i can't. so again, yes, i think it can last, and i think that mine personally will last, because i only have 1 year left, then i can go join him. it all depends on what you are both willing to do to make it work. and if it is meant to be, it will be. have faith

  6. well it depends on how serious the two people are about eachother really. if they both like/love eachother a lot then they will be more determind to make there relationship work.

    living too far away from eachother means traveling to see eachother but if your in love its worth it .

  7. They are committed and devoted to one another. Only the strong survive!

  8. Let me put it this way do you believe in true love? Well if you got that coming you'll last. And if you don't yeah...

  9. I've been in a long distance relationship for 1 1/2 years!! I live in Florida and my boyfriend (now fiance) lives in South Carolina. My cousin who lives in SC set me up on a blind date with him, his name is Chris. I will say it's been tough at times but mostly because I want to be with him. I have 3 daughters from a previous relationship and he has 1 son from a previous relationship. I've had to go through so much legal c**p to move but September 16th my children and I will be moving in with him!! I know that this LDR is the best relationship I've ever had, we spend more time talking than having s*x, and when he is down it's nice to go out and spend time together as a "family" or just him and I. LDR's are great and I think everyone should try it once, but the people both need to be serious about each other and definately trusting and very honest about everything they do in their lives, without each other, otherwise it would just be a waste of time...

  10. My son and his girlfriend have been together for 2 years and they live 300 miles away from each other.  They talk on the phone, e-mail, and see each other at least 2-3 weekends a month.  They see each other on their vacations and go on vacation and weekend trips together.  They still seem to be going strong.

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