
How do people go to church, praise and worship God. And they don't even know if God is real or not?

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I mean no one ever seen God, but yet we praise and glorify his name. And we been doing it for the longest. And I never heard a you're welcome from God.

Do we seem weird when we thank God, and we don't even know if God is even real?

All it says in the bible, The Lord Says this and The Lord says that, did God really said those things. If it wasn't God, then who?

I still want to know where the Lord is at today. Where is he, where is he now?

Without God what is our purpose for living?

Can anyone give me information about the Lord?




  1. it is a one sided dialog for sure. The thing of it is this. There are moments in all our lives which can easily be deemed as supernatural. I have had them, you have had them. Times where everything falls into place perfectly and the solution is so blindingly obvious. A spiritual awakening have you.

    The religious mind will give the power of a miracle to this happening. This is their proof of God. I personally don't follow this belief. However God or not, you are allowed to have a spiritual life and existence.

    Nodoby is saying that you can't. But no, there is no evidence that Christianity is real, and the more you look the more you will see that there just is nothing about it that is true. I think this is why some don't question their faith at all. They just accept it blindly out of fear of death.

    Because nobody wants to die. We all want the afterlife with all our friends and family in a forever of peace and love. Does this seem logical, not to me. Is there proof this is nothing but an ideal, not at all.

  2. Belief can exist without knowledge.  I don't know if a god exists, but I don't believe in any, which makes me an agnostic atheist.

    I don't see anything wrong with admitting you don't know.

  3. This is for the individual to answer.  It is between God and his child, each and every one of us!

    God does not ever 'need' to "say" your welcome.  He blesses us with so incredibly  much!  Start looking at the blessings you 'do' have and try thanking Him for those "positive" things in your life

    If you truly knew Him, had a relationship with Him, you would not even entertain these thoughts.

  4. well, its kind of a hard question.. There is no real proof other then the bible of god.. Me I have been raised in a Christian family and I struggle trying to figure out what is right to.. But there is sertan things in the bible that do bring past to preasent .. Such as revolations the last chapter in the bible it sais that when jesus comes the Israel people will have a homeland and in 1940 I think is when israel was formed.. And within a couple hours they were Attacked by Egypt Russia and I think Iran and becuase israel was a newly formed country it had 3 planes 1 tank and a very small army and they tricked all 3 nations to retreat which I think could be a possible mirracle.... There is also other things such as Jesus showed one of his followers into revolations and he said there is scorpian type objects flying which could relate to helicopters.. And it sais there will be 2 followers that will try to teach Jesus and will be seen by the hole world.(tv) your disision sorry about my spelling lol

  5. one morning, i was getting dressed and i was putting on my jeans without underwear. I was pulling up the zipper, and got my nut skin caught and I am pretty sure I saw God that morning.

  6. First, let me say, "religion" is a man-made concept in order for them to believe and worship whatever they want.  The proof in this is all of the denominations and divisions in the Christian church.  We, the people, are "the church", not a building where some insist we go to hoop and holler and then fall out on the floor in a spasm claiming to have been touched.  Those people are "touched" alright.  Your relationship with God is just that, YOUR'S.  The fact that you have these questions proves that you want to definately believe in God and want Him to be part of your life.  Most people, when they pray, feel the need to do all of the talking.  More often than not I just lay on my bed with my eyes closed and LISTEN.  I don't hear voices that aren't there and my mind doesn't play tricks on me.  Some claim that their "conscience" defines right and wrong in their lives.  I don't believe in a conscience.  It's the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you telling you when you are about to mess up.  When you don't know whether something is right or wrong, that "feeling" in your gut lets you know.  Now you know "where" He is.  He lives in you.  He's ALWAYS there!  Your purpose for living is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  You wouldn't want to be killed, beaten, cussed at like a dog, or treated like doo-doo in general.  So don't do it to others.  Live for today, let tomorrow worry about itself.  Jesus was Lord in the beginning, while he walked the Earth, and as He abides inside you, so when your spirit leaves your body, you'll see His face, forever.    There is so much more to tell and you have my email address, so contact me if you want to know more.

  7. Well - there was this guy named Moses who saw the Lord...

    Moses saw him up on Mt Sinai - (which they recently found by the way - along with the chariots on the bottom of the red sea.)

    There is Evidence of His existence in SO many places.  You just have to know where to look.  Nature is a testament to His creative genius.  So are you!

    In my mind there are WAY TOO MANY ways to prove the existence of a God - a creator.

    See for yourself!


  8. Faith is the simple answer. Believing in something beyond you.  

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