
How do people have two accents? and how do accents change?

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I actually asking British people from London as most of you lot wont know what im talking about I dont care about accents and that but Ive always wondered this

Why do so many people say Jamaican words and have a slight jamaican accent in my area even non Jamaicans, Black white and Asian people my age included

words such as

Wa gwarn

and ones ending in clart

Also American words




does anyone know where words like these come from:

benner - 10

dives - 5

score - 20

pinky - 50

jibbs 1000

I cant lie I say some too but thats what i was around but I dont say Jamaican words

I aint tryna be rude but I dont understand most of a patwa conversation but how do some of my friends who were born and grew up in the same area as me speak patwa then can speak cockney straight after. They say its cause their grandparents from Jamaica but I cant put on a African accent that my grandparents have

East London/cockney accent vanishing

Everyone born here before the 80s including my parents and brother sound just like cockneys they were born in canning town but I dont sound anything like them i was born 1990. What happened to the accents and how are they changing?




  1. i saw wagwan all the time. i can't understand thick patios though. it's like they're not even speaking english to me. people from all cultures bring in new words and slang all the time. you know that london slang is always changing. some of it has even made the oxford dictionary.

  2. Accents change as a result of the need for the individual to feel part of the whole. The need to fit in.

    When i started serving northerners with my southern accent, i noticed that i started saying words the same way they did, so as to sound like them. It was subconcious at the time, but clearly I wanted to be accepted and be like them.

  3. two accents can be related. Southern accents are related to British accents. When accents change they change when the language of the culture is forced to accept another. For example Californian English is now influenced by Spanish

  4. looool rasclart and bombaclart everyone says those

    jamaican words are just a free for all really

    theres also skeen...thats jamaican but now EVERYONE says it

    i cant do african either...its too hard and my parents have really strong accents

    i have no idea about the cockney thing but youre right...noone really talks like that anymore apart from eastenders :( sad really

    slang comes from everywhere though...people when they dont understand go "naah im baffled" and thats actually a proper just comes into everything from nowhere

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