
How do people in Egypt react ... ?

by Guest61916  |  earlier

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when they see someone eating in public in Ramadan? Do you jump to conclusions, give dirty looks and judge that person, or do you think they may have a legit excuse, or do you simply mind your own business and do not think about it at all? Honest answers please, thank you :)




  1. first :welcome alot for you and hasafer i hope you both will stay like before:) :) please

    and ramadan kareem :) :) :)

    as for your Q: well first thing that comes to my mind ?"eah dah?"

    but i just say that they may have excuses to do that  

  2. i ask them if i can have a bite ...

    no .. honestly ? .. i don't care ... i actually salute this person's courage ... now in Egypt i don't think i'd be able to eat in public 'cuz people will "yeta2a23oony" ... they just don't leave anyone alone ... and u know "al ta3leeqat al sakhera" ...  

  3. fara7oty


    menawera el el ya  


    well i mind my own business

    in fact mabakhodsh baly aslen

    but if this someone i know

    if she is a she i will say in my self  deh baga7a 3ala ases enhya mafrood tatsater mesh tefda7 nafsaha

    u know farah

    i was on my way to home and while i was walking home i found  (near my school)  i saw three muslim boys (with me in my school and the same dof3a) drinking pepsi infront of koshek and when they saw me they said hide and they were laughing ,, i was soooo shocked

  4. i don't care who want to eat in Ramadan it is ok for him as long as the government don't make a rule to forbid that,so it is ok

  5. First of all ....

    @ Farah & Hasafer : WELCOME BACK, we missed you

    Honest answers to ur question :

    Acutally, as u said : i will mind my own business & don't think about it .....

  6. WB Farah

    i just mind m own what he may be christian or something

  7. simply i dont care and dont look & stare.. nothing like you said..

    i mind my own business..

  8. s/he could be christian, or a tourist, or a muslim who has medical problems (or even not having)

    but s/he would be better not to show him/herself this way to others as s/he is challenging them.

    however it his/her choice and i wouldn't judge him/her verbal or non-verbal (through looks and so on)... this attitude of judging others make them adopt defensive mechanism instead of listening to you..

    then my answer: in all cases i will not pay attention to this.

  9. As Beautiful Mind put it, they could be Christians, tourists or muslims who are excused from fasting.

    It's not our job to judge people in the street.

  10. OMG i thought u'll never be back specially with that fantastic hair do :)

    Look my conclusion in situation is mmmmmm may be he's not Muslim, may be he doesn't care, may be...may be...lots of things and in the end 7esabo m3 Rabena (his account will be with God). :D

  11. I don't care , I even don't think about it .

    but if it's someone I know and I care about I ask why ??

    and if she is a she I mind my own business .

  12. Oh My God

    Farah & Hasafer back to y/a on the same day ..on the same page ..

    heeeeeh ......heeeeeh

    now i can say "aho geh ya welad..aho geh ya welad"


    Welcome back both of you begad .. wa7ashtoona :)

    as for ur question ya faroo7a ..i'll answer it tomorrow isA ...

    i'm just here to say wasn't the same without u both.

    Mmwah ...... to farah :p




    eh dh? i'll answer now coz i won't come here tom.

    i just will mind my own business .. i see ppl. in cafes ..others eating or smoking in the street ... i really don't care ... i just wish secretly that they are not muslims who are capable of fasting ,but not fasting ... that's all

    Mmwmah..again :D

  13. No problem with him(or her)

    But i will have many problems because i will be very hungry and want to eat. WHAT CAN I DO??????????

  14. Dont think about it dont care and usually dont even notice!

  15. as a Coptic i always find aggressive looks and some times people harass me.

  16. Hey is that u Farou7a... Welcome back el section nawar.

    Well all i think about is "lakoum deenakoum wa leya deenee" which means roughly to each his own beliefs and religion, but if i know this (Muslim) individual personally, then i might ask out of concern why they are not fasting, they might be sick or taking medication (that is honestly the way i think) cos i know Muslims and especially Egyptians take ramadan and fasting seriously.

    @ Hasafer... WB Allahou akram.

  17. To each is their faith and each has reasons for fasting or not

    @hasafer and Farah Ramadan Kareem- welcome back

    Now we just need the rest of the people to make the ramadan extra special- I really hope they come too say ramadan kareem this month isa.

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