
How do people in large cities cope when transit systems do on strike?

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Do people in large cities facing transit strikes live in their offices, walk to and from work, carpool -- or what???




  1. Work from home.

    Car pool.

    Take a vacation.

  2. I live near Toronto Canada and they get along as best they can from walking , biking, driving ,hitching a ride and getting rides from strangers.Depends on distance needed to travel.

  3. sometimes there are other carriers that would do the job

    (like during the last MTA strike in Los Angeles

    Santa Monica operated extra runs from Santa Monica to downtown LA

    or they found ways to get from point A to point b

    using only muni carriers

    (like you can get from Santa Monica to Long beach

    with out using Metro' here's an example

    Santa Monica  #3 to Lax city bus center then transfer to Torrance

    8 to Del amo then Torrance 3 to long beach

  4. revert to cars and motorcycles if you have them. or bum a ride from a friend, or use bicycles, and skates if necessary.  taxis are also available.

    for some of us, we call in sick. others have the option to work from home, still others can be transferred to job sites closer to their house.

    for the rest of us schmucks... with no other option, and required to be at work, wellll..... we have to walk.

  5. In New York City, there was huge strike.

    As part of strike, taxi became shared service with fare zone boundary.

    Also trucks could not enter during the midday below 96th St as part of strike.

    All cars/taxis must have four passenger in order to enter Manhattan below 96th St.

    New York Waterway also provided strike ferry service at certain  area where only buses are available.

    Also, that time, MTA Bus Company taken over Command Bus from Spring Creek Depot, so they let the ex-Command Bus operate since it was just recently began then.

    And also 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue, one of lane had set up bus lanes, while liberty cabs and vans making all bus stops.

    Some people who live near/work.

    Also some company fired charter bus as parter of NYCT Transit Strike.

    One of firefighter from El Barrio was commuting on his bicycle to FDNY Training Academy in Randall's Island by his bicycle where bus transporting workers made illegal right turn in East Midtown on 3rd lane of 3rd av which hit him.

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