
How do people know when someone is a millionaire ?

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is it possible to become a millionaire and remain unknown to the public at the same time ? well !! some folks don't like the fame.




  1. of course! lots of people are millionaires. it isn't like it is announced every time someone is a millionaire.  

  2. Within certain bounds yes.  First, it will depend on how you made your million(s).  If you did it by the lottery, then no, since when you buy a ticket you agree to let the agency publicize your name.  If you did it by becoming a director/manager at a publicly held firm, then no, because they report salaries of these folks in their SEC filings. (Same with heading up a non-profit).

    Assuming you made a million and were able to keep that fact private, it would next depend on your lifestyle.  If you go out and buy a big house or expensive cars, people are going to assume you have lots of money, so the trick is to live a low-key lifestyle.

    Good luck on making your million :)

  3. Move to Michigan, and buy a 2000sq house for 250K or less and drive a Camry.

    They will think you are middle of the middle class, but won't know you never have to work again.

  4. In the big picture a (one) million dollars isn't a huge steaming pile of money.  A significant number of people (millions in the US) have a million or two in retirement investments, real estate, small businesses, and family trusts from perfectly ordinary means and don't seems "very rich" to many of the people around them.  

    Just like many (again, millions in the US) people look like they are living large when, in fact, they have high incomes but are up to their eye balls in debt (spending ahead of their current income).

    So, yes, it is very possible.  Appearances are deceptive.  If you asked the teenagers in my neighborhood to name the richest families on the block, they would likely get it wrong.  My educated guess is that several of my neighbors are millionaires -- but they are not the flashy spenders teenagers would pick out as "rich."  

    On the other hand, the very rich $10mm+  and the super rich $25mm can not live the good life and go unnoticed.  

    The obscenely rich ($100mm) can be sniffed out by any good real estate agent, financial manager, art dealer, and travel agent worth a plug nickel.  You have to hire a shield to run interference 24/7.

  5. here are some ways you can tell ...

    1. ask them .

    2. go to their house or get to know them and see if they have wealthy things .

    3. but them something really really nice and hope they are honest then see if they think its a big deal

    ha i hope this helps

    answer my questions ! please

  6. people only know if you tell them lol  keep low key and nobody knows nothing about your finances

  7. Yes. Just don't drive flashy cars, live in a flashy house, have a trophy wife (she'll take your money anyway later on), don't wear expensive clothes. Keep a low profile.  

    A million bucks is not much if you are in NY, CT, CA for example. You can be barley middle class and have a house that is worth $1MM in these states.  

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