
How do people know who is illegally here in the US?

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I keep reading that people say their boss hired illegals, there's nothing but illegals in the waiting rooms etc....Is there some kind of special powers people have that they can determine that the person next to them or walking across the street is illegally here? or is the "Acme Immigration Status Check Spy kit" a real thing? Can I buy one on e-bay or is there a special anti-immigration spy store that I don't know about?




  1. They might be just making an assumption.  They just see some people who speak little or no English working at some low status job and assume they are illegal.

    I worked for a Chinese restaurant a long time ago and we had this one lady working there who only knew only three words of English; hi, bye and hey.

    One time the health inspector was coming over, and the restaurant manager started shouting in Chinese, and some other Chinese employees took her somewhere and then came back. It sure looked like they were making sure she was gone before the inspector showed up. I guess she probably was illegal.

  2. They don't. They just assume and when you assume you make a fool out of everyone. Just because someone looks Hispanic doesn't mean they are illegal. People need to stop stereotyping.

  3. Nice additional details,

    racist much?

  4. Those are stereotypes.

    People see somebody who speaks no english, likes to drink, are not WASP and they scream: "ILLEGALS !"

  5. yes, the spy kits are helpful. you can now get them on ebay too. the government is going to start using them to find who they need to deport. fortunately for the illegals, there is also invisible ink that will allow them to hide from these kits. honestly, everyone here needs to quit grouping people without knowing them. It also applies to all the people who call us "whitey scum". I lived in Costa Rica for a year and learned Spanish, and no one there was racist. they were happy i was there learning their language. i think if people came here legally and learned English, this hate would subside.

    This illegal immigrant conflict is turning into white vs. brown hate. its really sad to watch.

    edit: Call them. I am legal. I learned it to help people that are trying to learn english. I gradutaed college with a spanish degree because i know what its like to be in a country and not know the language. the difference is I made an effort to learn it. i never went around saying i needed someone that spoke english

    Really? you are going to thumb me down? for what?

  6. One can only assume. But when a employee tells you specifically how he helped 5 of his illegal friends get hired, then you can assume with confidence.

  7. Just gof off ebay and they are giving away free Aztlan and La Raza stickers and free brown pride tattoos to be applied in Old English to your stomach.  Limited time offer, act now.

  8. Well, during their last census mexico was missing 20 million - guess where they are?

  9. I wonder the same thing...but that's how you weed out the racists from the people who are trying to genuinely ask questions or give answers...

  10. Now I read most of the posts going through this site, and I haven't seen anyone say that.  So if you have a link that suggests that a majority of the people of this country have suggested that, you are not guilty of bigotry, but if you don't, you are guilty of bigotry.  A link please.....

    But while many claim to speak Spanish, very few do.  Most speak a form of border slang.. or slang that is used in the United States only.  When a person uses a dialect of Spanish that you know comes from well south of the border, you can guess he is an illegal alien.  Frequently, when you ask, they admit they are.  Sometimes they tell you they are illegal aliens and ask what you are going to do about it.

    So there are many ways of knowing the person you are talking to is an illegal alien.  Most don't care, and I don't think there have been many posts at all where someone suggested they did know.  However, if they speak U.S. Mexican American Spanish, the dialect is very different, and they would know.  Further, many, many Mexican Americans want the illegal aliens out of here on a rocket!  They tell everyone and particularly, ICE.

  11. they just assume that the person's illegal.   i used to work in a restaurant n a lot of my co workers thought i was illegal.

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