
How do people like this get elected as Mayor of a major US city?

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This is the same guy who was involved in the "texting" scandal, and questions have been raised about use of public funds.

Why would anyone elect ol' Kwame into office?




  1. Some times the voters select a person rather that a leader. I really feel sorry for the children of Kirkpatrick. They will not know right from wrong. This is only the tip of the ice berg as far as Kirkpatrick is concerned.

  2. sam f, just curious:  he obviously got voted in. did nobody vote? or was there just NO indication of his perfidious nature?

    also, didn't his mother just win a race to be representative?

  3. I am a Democrat:

    Kwame is a Democrat:

    NOBODY in detroit wants to keep this guy around except for the people who are holding on to his coattails for their turn at a pay day.

    the dude is totally immoral and totally crooked.

    EVERY LIBERAL LEADER in michigan has voiced their opinion that Kwame should resign.... he refuses to give up the power.

    so we're in the process of removing him...

    he's insane

    (i'm from the metro-detroit area)

    To Patriot P.

    VERY FEW people vote in Detroit. Everyone who lives here feels like it's hopeless... it's very easy for a motivated thug to get enough support to get elected.

    the morale has been nil for decades.

    (also. there was no real reason to believe he ws corrupt. his MOTHER is a state senator who is beloved by both reps and dems as a model senator)

  4. because his voter base are criminals too, why do you think Marion Barry was elected as mayor of DC even after his Crack Cocaine conviction

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