
How do people live without the Flying Spaghetti Monster in their lives? Why are they in denial?

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I don't know what I would do without Him. Before pastafarianism, I was lost. Now, when in times of need, he reaches out to me with his noodly appendage, and I am saved.

He hath blesseth me in many ways. How hath He blesseth thou?

"sauce be with you, and also with you"





  1. The FSM is a force of a different color - a smokescreen.

    The real God made 10 billion trillion stars with his little fingers and the breath of His mouth.  His final word was Jesus  

  2. There will always be pastainfidels. rAmen, brethren and cisterns, rAmen.

  3. Lolz.

    But you do raise a good point. I think the ACTUAL concepts behind the FSM and Pastafarianism are a little bit too much like forward-thinking for some people.

    Which is a shame.


  4. He gave me a practical means to stop global warming.  Why stop littering when you're wearing an eye patch?  The solutions are in religion not reason.

  5. The flying spaghetti monster argument, while trying to capitalize on a logical fallacy, is itself a logical fallacy, a straw man argument. The point of the argument is that no one can prove or disprove the existence of the being, thus, since no one can prove or disprove the existence of God, it is as ridiculous to believe in God as it is to believe in the flying spaghetti monster.

    Of course God is nothing like the spaghetti flying monster. There are no logical reasons to believe in such a being, just as there are no reasons to believe in a giant teapot orbiting the sun. However, there are reasons to believe in God and those reasons surround us; our world, personal experiences, friends and neighbors, even ourselves. I can see God in all these things. No, they do not prove God, but they do provide reasons for belief.

  6. They hate the FSM. They have so much anger built up inside them that they want to rebel against him even though they know he is real.

  7. It is easy to laugh now. In your own minds you are speaking truth. But reality is not in your minds, it is above and beyond you. You have nothing to do to affect it.

    If you think that this world is an accident and that life spontaneously generated and that that little multiplying molecule formed everything on earth today you are a blinded fool. I was like you for 28 years. I don't blame you, I know what you are thinking and why you are thinking that.

    It is easy to mock the true God, that is what people have done for thousands of years. But when the end times come, and reality sets in, just remember - He still loves you and wants you to stop your rebellion and repent of your sins and turn to Him for His saving Grace. You know that the FSM is not real and cannot help you. You will see the evil of this world. It is all around you. It is even in most religions and churches. Don't let the evilness of the churches sway you from realizing the Holiness of Jesus Christ. This world was made by Him. An acorn cannot evolve into an alligator. A lilly pad cannot evolve into a tiger. These things were created by a creator. That creator is eternal and Holy. Our sin is not welcome with Him. He must Judge it to be able to separate it from Himself. You don't want to be cast away from the God that made this universe. When the beast system is at it's peak and the luxuries of this present time are remembered in shame because we realize it was all part of the plan to wrap this world up into the beast system, Repent of your ways. This world is 180 degrees opposite of God's ways. Everything we have been taught since birth is in total rebellion against God. The time will come. We will see some big stuff in our life times. When it happens don't curse God, don't look to the FSM, don't look to your government, don't look to the scientists, remember God, remember and think about His awesome majesty that created this world and yet while we are absolute sinners that He showed His love for us by Humbling Himself and being tortured and killed by us. That He died to save us. I pray that some of your eyes will be opened. In Jesus's name, Amen

  8. lucky i have them

  9. Who now says Atheism is NOT a religion???

    Anti-pope Dan Dennett

    sardonic Sam Harris - Devils Advocate, etc

    God love you!

  10. "noodly appendage" haha. "sauce be with you." hahahaha

    i don't understand how anyone can live his/her life w/out the flying spaghetti monster either.

    Ramen, lol

  11. I don't know, but I will be partaking of the body and blood of the FSM this evening. He hath blessèd my tomato garden. Clearly I am one of the Chosen Ones and hold good favor with Him. rAmen.

    (By the way, I think if one day I breathed out 10 billion trillion stars the first thing I'd say would be "Jesus!" also. Fortunately, I don't think that is likely to happen. The FSM binds the Universe too tightly together in His noodly appendages for chaos to reign.)

  12. Before FSM (pbuh) found me I was anorexic but his noodly appendage wiped away the pain and replaced it with carbohydrates. Praise the pasta !

  13. I feel touched <SNIFF> his Noodly appendage.


  14. know because hes not the real God. God is the real god you know the Christian god. The bearded man in the clouds who was just...always there and just created EVERYTHING form....nothing. And he made heaven up in the sky and h**l down below. He talked to a man through a burning bush and that man told everyone. His son was magically impregnated into a mortal in order to be born and tortured to death to redeem man for Adam eating a piece of fruit off of a tree. BUT!!! It will only work if you believe and accept him.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm being sarcastic. They also believed the earth was the center of the universe. It was 6000 years old. And that "heaven" was up and "h**l" was down below. You know where the molten core of the earth is. Thats why lava comes out of the ground. IT SHOWS THAT h**l IS REALLY THERE!!!! LOL!!!!

    Its also funny that they say he created everything instantly while we are observing the processes of just about everything in the universe and how they were created. Take our sun for instance. God supposedly created it almost instantly. Yet we know that there are endless numbers of "suns" in our universe and many are in the process of forming through nebula's which are giant cosmic dust clouds. We also see them blowing up through what is called a "super nova".

    Therefore, we can conclude that our sun was formed through a similar process.

  15. I do South Beach...It helps me get by :)

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