
How do people make this kind of art?

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It doesn't look like its been done by a human alone, looks like there is some artificial manipulation.

What do artists use to make their art look like that?




  1. its hard to tell how the artist rendered the image. but to cover the basis if it was done by human alone it very well could be with acrylics. there is a whole scene in painting called photorealism and if you look at surrealism art they usually look like they could have been cg but they are all paint there were no computers.  

  2. I love how people say Photoshop CS3. LOL. It's just Photoshop. CS3 is the version. Anyways....

    Yes computers and the programs we use can make a computer painted image look like it was hand rendered. It's done by using textures and brushes and all sorts of fun and wonderful things. Anything is possible really these days.  

  3. well, if they have used computer programs, it would be adobe photoshop cs3, illustrator, painter ie. an art/drawing program

    some artists are so skilled at these programs, it makes people exclaim "i didn't know that was created on computer!!"

    but many ppl do a sketch, then scan onto computer for final touches. they may do the art work in the traditional way, then scan into a digital art program.  

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