
How do people manage to fail at committing suicide?

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You always hear about people who attempted suicide and failed .. How difficult can it be?




  1. I wouldn't know...

    However, consider it the same as murder- you won't always be able to kill someone. Also, consider the regret which a person may have just after committing suicide. If so, there is some way to repair the potentially fatal damage and restore their life.

  2. some people say they tried to commit suicide but never did it for one reason or another, maybe they choosed not to die at that time or they never had any intentions to kill themselves in the first place, just saying their going to so they can get some kind of help. Also chances are the rope could of broke when trying to hang yourself, or the gun only blew off part of your head not all of it, so now instead of being dead your a veggie. Or you didn't get a chance to fully digested those pills you swallowed cuz the hospital is sticking that tube down your throat so they can pump out your stomach. I think if you really want to kill yourself then go jump off a very tall building, you would be dead before you even hit the ground,cuz chances are you would either have a heart attack just by fright, or suffercate by dropping so quick in the air.Other than that you would be dead for sure when you splatted on the ground.The doctor's at the hospital wouldn't be able to put your brains back into your head after they are all over the place.They would just scoop you up and put you into a bag(a bodybag)

  3. someone stopped or saved them probably

  4. You'd be surprised at how hard it actually is to kill yourself... I say this as someone who has failed several times. Say overdosing for example... I tried it three times... the first time with prescription medicines and alcohol... still here... second time with a whole stack of sleeping pills... still here... the thirsd with a better cocktail of prescription meds... unfortunately still here...

    other methods i've tried are jumping off a cliff... got distracted by a phone call... didn't jump... survived a car accident...

    now i haven't done it so many times because i'm seeking attention... i just really wish to die... oh, and suffocation isn't the best way either. but i did find a way which seems promising... if i fail that one too i'll let you know...  

  5. Some of them don't really want to die, as a lot of people said. But some people just don't know how to kill themselves properly. I bet some people didn't know that if they swallowed a whole bunch of pills, they would be more likely to vomit it back up rather than die of overdose. It's not difficult, just scary and daunting. You might pull back a bit and not put in 100% effort because you get scared and thus, fail.

  6. Well, if it wasn't just a cry for attention in the first place and therefore a half-hearted attempt, then the only thing I can think of is divine intervention. My brother has attempted suicide twice, both times he got caught in the act and rushed to the hospital immediately. Both times it was pure dumb luck that he lived. A girl I went to high school shot herself in the mouth, aiming for the top of her head, missed her brain, and lived. Then there the unfortunate cases where people are only crying for attention, and slitting their wrists, or trying to hang themselves, things that might take a while that they think won't really kill them. Those who really want to die shoot themselves, jump off buildings or bridges, purposefully crash cars...drastic, over and done with things. Or they want to die in a peaceful way and pop waaay too many vicodins.  

  7. Well to slit your wrists successfully you have to knwo what you're doing or else you'll just get a bad cut, pass out form blood loss, then wake up in a hospital room...still alive. :p  Also, people could find you before you're dead and take you to the emergency room. Suicide isn't usually instant except for maybe throwing yourself off a bridge and hitting the water, or somethign like that.

  8. I have been having unprotected s*x for 20 years.  Eventually I will get AIDS.  My fingers are crossed.

  9. The mechanics of suicide are not difficult.  But when you are that close to dying, parts of your psyche that don't want to die fight back.  They are stronger than most people realize.

  10. Some people might not really be trying to kill themselves they might just want attention and almost go through with it. Things go wrong all the time.  

  11. Here's some interesting facts for you:

    - More women attempt suicide than men.

    - More men successfully commit suicide than women.


    Men are more likely to take a quick approach, such as shooting themselves in the head, whereas women are more likely to take a slower approach, such as ODing on pills or slashing their wrists in a bathtub. This means that friends or family members are more likely to find the suicidee before they have completely died and they are thus more likely to be rescued.

  12. They do it on purpose a lot.  It's called an unconscious cry for help.

  13. maybe its not strong enough to kill them or maybe their people that wont let it happen

  14. It won't be difficult if you really want to kill yourself.. unless there's divine intervention. Those who have attempted and failed are those who are still pondering to die or not to die. A good job can never be done with half-heartedness.

  15. I agree with "itswhatu" they are only trying to get attention and the only thing they are drawing attention to is their severe mental  problems

  16. Its not committing. it is not illegal  

  17. Usually they fail because they didn't really want to kill themselves, it is just a cry for help and attention.  If you really wanted to die you wouldn't have problems doing it.  

  18. Commit - suicide is actually a crime in CA, rarely prosecuted, unless the act ends up involving and/or hurting someone else.

    My story is the only one I know well enough to tell you.  

    I watched my mother and father shot at the age of fifteen and three days later, on the way to their funeral, I tried heroin for the first time, and have been unable/unwilling to stop of my own volition since.  That was well over 20 years ago.  I have destroyed my body in a hundred ways, descimated countless quality relationships, and spent time in prison as a result of my pursuit for more, more, more.  

    Junkies are a rare, unique and insanely selfish breed, so suicide would not be too far from the scope of my reality. "We're on the road to nowhere..."

    I reached what I thought was the end of my ability to continue September 19th, 2001.  I sold everything I owned, got as much heroin as I could get, and took a greyhound bus to Times Square, NY, two weeks after 9/11. (Thats a long time to comptimplate my fate)

    I got the cheapest, walk up 'sink' room at 46th and Broadway, and wrote some letters, and injected over an ounce of tar heroin into my the muscles of my legs.  When I woke up three days later, I realized I was a failure at suicide too, and I think that if I was in a bad way mentally before this, I was really gone now.  

    I got back on the bus to CA, and developed a brain fever on the bus from all the infection accumulating in my blood from muscle injecting the heroin.  When I got back to OC, I was so out of my mind that most of this is a blur.  I know that I ended up in a hotel across the street from what was then the temporary mourge.  I got in a bath of water running the hottest I could take it, injected about another ounce of heroin into my legs and cut both arms from wrist to elbow.  The relief I feltt when the blood exploded out of my arm and hit the celing above me is to this day indescribable.  I went out very quickly, but the water was running, over flowed the tub, causing pink, foamy water to start raining down on the people in the room below me.  

    I do not remember anything for the next week, but when I did come to, the paramedics that treated me at the initial scene told me I was so beyond gone that they just wrapped me in a blanket and ran.  

    (Oh, yeah, I failed to mention that this hotel is located next door to a hosipital in OC, as well as being across the street from the then temporary morgue.)  

    So, they wrapped me in a sheet and started running me to the hospital, and they told me that they said to each other they were not sure whether to take me to the hospital or to the morgue.

    There have been many times in my life since then that I am glad they took me to the hospital, but I would be lying if I told you there are times I wish they would have chosen the other. I mean is making pizza at "Kamikaze Pizza" all THAT bad?  Come o0n!!  Plus, people leave random, cool furniture on the sidewalks there, for the taking....FOR THE TAKING, MY FRIEND!!  

    Alone is a horrible place.  Self imposed or otherwise.  I just do not know.  I am tired.  

    I see the value in many things, but not so much in my things.

    Take that as it may be.  


    As above, so below.

  19. they are drugged up and blinded by depression.

  20. They didn't really want to kill themselves - they just wanted someone to notice how desperate they were.

  21. survival instinct or something probably really hard to get past

  22. well sometimes if you jump off a building, then sometimes it just really ***** you up and knot kills you

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