
How do people record on roller coasters??

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How do people record on roller coasters??




  1. They put a strap on their wrist and hold on tight(:

  2. They take their camera phones out and record video and snap photos, even though you can get kicked out of the park for doing that. And/or it could fly out of your hands and seriously hurt someone. I was at CP yesterday and someone got kicked off Wicked Twister for trying to take photos with their cell while riding.

  3. the bad footage that you find on sites like youtube are usually recoreded by someone sneaking a camera on the ride. the good footage that you find on tv like the top 10 roller coasters of america show can be caught legally because of an agreement between the park and the producers of the show because of the publicity that the ride gets. there are also ways of placing the camera in a more secure location on the ride (i.e. on a dummy that "holds" the camera)

  4. the people that record them are the idiots that could possibly get banned from the park for doing that....

    they sneak it on....

    and hold onto it tight

    if you wanna see some videos....

    go to youtube

    type in a roller coaster and the park it is in along with the letters POV

    for example:

    vertigo kings island POV

    POV stands for point of view if ya didnt know

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