
How do people remember everything in history and are able to do amazing on tests?

by Guest55821  |  earlier

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ive tried reading the textbook it doesn't work




  1. For me it really helps to make it into a narrative, or make it seem more vivid somehow. So don't just memorize the dates, think of a story involving the dates and the important people who were there, imagine how it must have felt to participate, imagine dialogues between historical figures, etc. Or you could relate it to your own life and things you like.

  2. Know the general gist of what happened.  That's what reading the textbook is for.  Now, take notes on what all the important names and dates are.  Now quiz yourself on them.  

    You don't need to spend two hours straight cramming, just keep looking over them whenever you get a chance and randomly quiz yourself when you're out and about.  You'll be walking down the street and suddenly think "When was the Battle of Waterloo!"  If you know, then you'll be fine.  If not, look at your notes and try again later.

  3. your problem is that you have a hard time learning that way

    like me im a hands on type person and i learn the most when im using them

    you should just find a new way to study in my opinion

  4. It's just the way some peoples mind works.  Some people are better with numbers, equations, and things like that, whereas some people are better with writing, and remembering a lot of information, dates, and people.  So the people who are really good at history are people who probably do better in history and english classes than they do in the math and science classes.  Peronsally, history is my best thing, and I know A LOT of history.  But its weird cause i'm still really good at math and science too. I guess im just gifted! but i hope that helps.

  5. you can read like crazy and not absorb it if you're not focused.  read it, do the exercises, take notes, etc.  just reading doesn't make it sink in.

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