
How do people show patriotism in other countries?

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We have to do an essay on patriotism around the world. I searched "patriotism in other countries" and came up with useless articles. Can someone tell me different ways certain countries show patriotism? Even small acts of patriotism will work. Please add a source too. Thanks to all who have usefull answers!!!




  1. By blowing themselves up ?????

  2. In Costa Rica voting day is a holiday. Everyone is required to vote. People express their patriotism by giving a thumbs up to display the purple indelible ink that proves that they have already voted, then a party (fiesta) goes on through the night.

    In Israel everyone, (with few exceptions) are required to serve two years in the military. Even look at North Korea where patriotism is almost a religion.

    Maybe search for expressions of patriotism like voting, national holidays, civic participation, etc.

  3. the French reenact the last 20 wars they have fought in...they go out in the streets with toy guns,go BANG one time,then lay down the guns and wave white flags....

  4. By burning the MC Donald's and the American flags

  5. for money

  6. most of them burn American Flags in the streets...that passes for patriotism in most places

  7. Flags are always a way to show patriotism.  Just look at the Olympics.

  8. Well, I'm Brazilian. I read some postings above saying that people outside the US show their patriotism by blowing Mc Donalds or burnig the US flag. But why does that happen? Or why would yhe 9/11 attack have happened. Why so much hate against the US is demonstrating patriotism? The reason is that people are trying to strike back when they attack the US, and that's a way to show love for their country and concern for the future of their country. People in the US should know that the US interference in other countries is only for their own interest. Whwen the US financed the military take over in so many countries in South America, when they attack Iraq, when they veto action against Israel that the General Assembly votes for at the United Nations, when they finance campaigns f candidates running for president, governors, etc in other countries, and so many other problems caused by the US, they are thinkin only about their own interest. Actually I wouldn't have toomany reasons to be patriot if I were a deffendant of the US government's policies in the world...

  9. patriotism is defined differently by different people.

    for instance, the USA was founded by patriots who said "give me liberty or give me death".  today in the US, there are many who believe that abondoning liberty for security is patriotic.

    google tibet patriot to get a sense of the problem.

    the chinese perspective on what is a tibetan patriot is very different from those tibetans who want independence, such as the dalai lama.

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