
How do people that are 'green' feel about christmas lights?

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I mean... throughout the year, I hear enough people tell me to turn off unnecessary items and use florescent lights. So how do the people telling me this feel about lit up houses at Christmas?




  1. I don't use Christmas lights.

  2. They prefer Candles and only lit while supervised.

    Get back to them after you burn your house down ( it has happened).

    Added:  grizzbr1 some people have Potted Christmas Trees and some people have Outdoor Christmas Trees.  That way they can keep the same Tree for Christmas forever or until they move.  Jesus Christ was born Late March to Mid April  (The whole world saw an Event that is assosiated with his Birth then and there is other evidence in writeing in paper, stone, and metal).  The time of the Year [where Christmas is located] was a holiday in Rome,..  surrounding the day there is the least ammount of Sun Light [which is Christmas Day now].  The man Santa Claus is Based on gave out Gifts at this time because he was well off and sick of watching Children Die that needed a little food, shoes, or heat,.. so he gave out mostly Coal so people could stay warm and eat.  But the time he did this Christianity was against because of the Religions they tell everyone lead you to Satan [the man was inprisoned and looks like killed for this].  It is now the point of Celabration because Christmas Day is not only the Darkest day of the year but has the Highest Suicides of any day of the year.  So think of Christmas as a way to fight Depression,..  it has nothing to do with Christ... pray however will help you get through the dark days.

  3. All very well if the lights are at X'mas and not the twelve days !

  4. I keep my lights to a moderation - yet, thrive in enjoying the Xmas tree and pine garland around the house.

    Really dont understand those that are willing to spend days and days to put out Xmas lights outside.   What is that about?

  5. My husband and I live a VERY green lifestyle on our permaculture farm, right down to grinding wheat to make our flour, butchering our own livestock, and making our own biofuel.

    I enjoy Christmas lights very much.  I can't stand the stupid inflatable things they have created, or a bunch of lit up plastic junk.  I do enjoy the lights however.

    I like them even more now that people are going over to LED lights.  Those are great.  

    I live in an area that has long brutal winters.  It's been snowing off and on here, since October.  The Christmas lights can be so wonderfully bright, and chearful.

    Sometimes people need to do things, simply because it makes them happy, and cheerful.  For me, Christmas lights are one of those things.  

    Now I just wish their would be a trend and push by the consumers to purchase really durable Christmas lights.  The currents ones are only suppose to be used two years, and then pitched out (planned obsolencence).  

    Any of ours that need to go, are taken to one of our friends, who is a scrap metal dealer.  First I take out all the lightbulbs (use to replace bulbs in other strings).  

    Then he runs the strand through a special machine. It cuts, and strips off the plastic coating on the wire, leaving only the shiney copper.  

    Frankly we don't have many light strand to recycle, since we personally don't do the outdoor ones (and I'm careful with the indoor ones).  Farming keeps us too busy, and too poor ~lol~.

    I also want people to turn them off at night, at a reasonable hour, like 10PM or so.  I also only want people to put up a reasonable number of them.  I don't like places that "paint" their house and yard in lights...too vulgar.  It looks like Christmas and Las Vegas vomited on their house.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  6. Turn them off after say 10pm when few people are about anyway. Let them go all night christmas eve, we're supposed to splurge on actual festive occassions whether it be food, presents or electricity.

  7. There are options for more energy efficient Christmas lights;  LED's for example.  Also, turning them off when you go to bed at night, like we always do in our house.  You're not up to enjoy them, so might as well turn em off.  Sure, the greenest is no lights, but it's once a year.  Make smarter choices and done deal.

  8. Leave our Christmas lights alone you meany greenies.  You make life a misery as it is..  As for candles being supervised, I'm not so sure it's them requiring supervision..

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