
How do people treat ugly people. Please be specific.?

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How do people treat ugly people. Please be specific.?




  1. Heres how, in a situation where a ugly man and handsome man are asking for donations for the sake of charity, the good-looking guy can just stand there and get donations while the ugly would have to work like h**l. The good-looking guy probably gets more appreciated for his effort and gets praised, while the ugly one would probably receive some praise or maybe even none.

    Good-looking people have it better than uglies.

    But of course not everyone treats ugly people like they are nobody, however we still cannot deny the fact that looks are very important.

    Sometimes i wonder what it feels like to be good-looking and be welcomed by people wherever you go, but i know thats impossible and i just have to bear with my face till my life is over.

  2. like anyone else. With respect

    who is it that decides what ugly is?

  3. Well... they usually just try to avoid them or stare at their ugliness.... i guess. I'm not really sure.

  4. They definitely ostracize them from cliques and society in general. I think everyone has probably done it at some point or another without even realizing it. I have when I was younger, and I've had it done to me. I don;t think it is necessarily just "ugly" people, because some people can be plain but have a great personality and have friends that way. No one should be deemed ugly, but unfortunately it is our nature to welcome people who are the most pleasing to the eye. If only we were all equally attractive!

  5. Well if they are nice to me and they dont wave their hands in my face, i treat them like anyone respect me i respect you....

    If an ugly guy were to ask me out , i let them down easy cause its not their fault they have no judgment skills on how they look.....

    God... We're all shallow....!!

  6. Maybe you are suffering from an illussion. People treat people the way they like to be treated in general. Some people who are supposed to be ugly are the leaders of their groups. Why? Some pretty people gets left out. How comes?

    You think it is looks when it really comes down to personality. Maybe you are just a kid I guess. One time a girl cheated on me with an ugly guy, and people think I look good. How did I feel like treating that ugly guy then? A fist in his face - But I just took it and chilled. You need a lot more experience. Peace.

  7. Most people treat me nice, but there are some it is best to avoid, there just dumb but they thank there smart.

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