
How do people usually break out from Prison?

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I always wondered, i went to americas most wanted website, and alot of people over a span of 20 years have escaped, would it be easy if some 20 year special forces war veteran to break out? or does it take real brains? just curious




  1. Depends on the prison.  

    People have broken out with imitation guns.  You can craft one out of soap or wood and make it black with boot polish.  Then you threaten a guard with a real gun and get his gun off him.

    Another method is to tunnel out and get into the sewage system and crrawl through **** to freedom like in shawshank redemption.

  2. The most common way people "break out" of prisons is either to walk away from an outside work detail or to get away while outside the walls on a medical visit or court visit. There are very few who actually overcome the security systems of the institutions themselves.

    Not glamorous, but true.

  3. Hello Earl. If it helps at all, the greatest aid to the criminal and the greatest detriment to Correctional staff is complacency.

    When a Corrections Officer works in a unit for years ( and sometimes even less) seeing the men day after day, he tends to forget why they are there and what they are capable of.

    When this happens, the cons will watch every movement you make. They will seek out your weaknesses and inattentiveness in any area.

    They will time perimeter rounds, note the changing of shifts and the attitudes of Officers both entering and leaving. They will note and take advantage of anything that can give them a chance to break out.

    The only way to combat this is to remain alert at all times. Question every action around you. Do comprehensive shakedowns in cells and on the inmates themselves. Forward anything and everything that appears suspicious to the shift office or the investigator. Dont allow yourself to develop "standard" routines. Make rounds at different time periods. Alter the directions you walk in. Wrap your keys so you wont make sounds as you walk ( this is called "running stealth" by the cons).

    These are the things I teach new Officers during inservice training. As I tell them: "Security is not easy".

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

  4. Special ops probably could escape any prison that was not a Super-max.

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