
How do people with fair skin have the confidence to wear shorts and skirts?

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I have very fair skin and i absolutely hate wearing anything in public (sometimes even my house) that shows off my legs. I hate it. It feels like people look at me for it and judge me for it.I have tried to at school and people would just comment on how "white your legs are!" and im like we duh i don't tan but it still hurt. especially when i see all the beautifully tanned people out there. you know what i mean?




  1. im really pale too, i only tan alittle and im still pale as heck, and i dont wear shorts and stuff for other reasons other than my paleness i just dont like them, but thats just me, tan skin is very unorigional, we should be proud to be different. It may be weird now, but eventually we will learn to love it, just take care of it and , well, i dont mean to sound harsh, but we are stuck with it so we might as well love it right?

  2. I love being pale :) Honestly, not being tan never crosses my mind while wearing skirts. What's wrong with being who you are eh?

  3. Because they know that while they may be pale, they aren't going to get skin cancer and look like their skin is made of leather in 10 years. Pale skin was once considered beautiful and tan was bad because that meant you had to work and you weren't rich.  

  4. i really dont know what you mean...i have the sexiest legs men have told me. if yours are albino and such...get a tan or go tanning...or do guys all a favor and wear only pants.

  5. i tan easily and im really tan and ive been jealous of pale people because their skin is so fair and beautiful and i feel like im like every other tan person. be proud of your fair skin. if you really want buy some rub on tanner , it works fast

  6. I don't find a fair complexion undesirable at all,as a matter of fact I find it quite attractive.Your a nordic princess,revel in it,its nothing to be ashamed of.

  7. I can't physically tan. My skin just wont do it. I just figure it as the same as wearing a shirt with short sleeves. It's no big deal. Who cares what others say. Everyone is different and just because my skin doesn't match theirs doesn't mean that mine is any less entitled to be seen in shorts.

  8. I'm pasty white and you can see my veins but I'd much rather look like a ghost than get melanoma and have my skin age quicker than I do.  Next time you see all those "beautifully tan" people, think about the damage they're doing to their skin.  

  9. People with fair skin who were shorts and skirts are the type of people that don't care what others think and are confident with how they look.  People who tan are just self conscience and can't except themselves as they are.  That's what I think of tan people.  So wear your skirts and short shorts!  Don't let those fake bakers get to you!  Be happy you don't have to worry about getting skin cancer later on in life!

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