
How do pharmaceutical company manipulate synapse for financial gain?

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How do pharmaceutical company manipulate synapse for financial gain?




  1. Do you mean how do drug companies profit off the synthesis of pharmaceuticals?  Well, you either fill a need by developing drugs or else you create a market for drugs you've already discovered.  Then you manufacture them, market them to doctors or the public and sell them to pharmacies.

    Is your teacher one of those anti-medicine/science/government types?

  2. I was looking for the same answer...let me guess...ECU student in Suttons class???  LOL!!!

  3. Helping people breath, have  more motor stimulation, some type of cognitive sight.

    Take a look a this site and see what they are doing.

    If you're talking about a pure drug company, they do what all dope dealers do, get you hooked and keep you hooked well after the positive gains have subsided.

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