
How do plants use sunlight as a energy source?

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How do plants use sunlight as a energy source?




  1. Plants use sunlight to make food. Without sunlight, there could be no life on Earth.

    Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis the plants use the energy of the sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, to create glucose (sugar). The glucose can later be used by the plant for energy. Or animals eat the plant and the glucose in it. Plants need sunlight to grow green. Without sunlight but with enough water, the plant grows very tall very quickly, but looks yellow and dehydrated, although when touched, the leaves are very very moist.


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    Photosynthesis is a process used by plants, some protists, and some bacteria to make food. It makes glucose (a kind of sugar) and oxygen from carbon dioxide in the air and water. Cells (very small parts that make up a plant or animal) use it to create energy to live.

    ummary of the process

    Photosynthesis starts when light touches a green part of a plant. Each green cell has small parts called chloroplasts inside of them. Single photons of light hit green chemicals in the chloroplast, causing an enzyme to break apart water. Water, when broken, makes oxygen, hydrogen, and energy. The energy is used by a protein that lets light into the cell. The light cannot get out of the cell until another protein lets them, and this protein uses the energy from the escaping light to make ATP. While this is happening, the hydrogen and oxygen join broken up carbon dioxide to form glucose. This glucose is later used in cellular respiration to form more ATP.

    [change] Outside factors affecting Photosynthesis

    Photosynthesis can only occur between 32-95 degrees F (0-50 degrees C), and is most effective at room temperature (72 degrees F, 25 degrees C). Photosynthesis does not work at night or during cloudy days, because not enough light hits the plants.

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