
How do poeple get fat? ?

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could it be because they are lazy?or eat a lot and don't exercise or work?Did you know it is bad to be fat?It proves you are lazy and/or selfish.It also takes some of your years away?




  1. Someday you'll get fat and find it's not always something you can help.

    It has a lot to do with the bad food in America and hormones.

    Some people are naturally skinny their whole lives but it's rare.

    Though many people like being fatter.

  2.                Well peoplee qet fat becausee they eatt allot


                                     Don`t exercise.

          Yes, it is badd to bee fat becausee it`s not qood for your healthh.

                          Some people workk allot andd they are fat.



  3. a lot of times its because of stress

  4. This sounds like a judgment more than a question.

    Not all fat people are lazy.  Fat comes from taking in more calories than calories that are burned off.

    Your bitter attitude may take some years away too:)

  5. It's mostly down to eating too much and eating the wrong food.  Not exercising either.

    There are people who are slightly overweight but that's okay as I'm sure they are probably interesting people.

    Not being a fat pig who stuffs down fast food all day is a statement that you care about yourself and goes a long way.

    Some people don't care and that's their decision.

    I heard a nightclub wont allow women in over a certain weight as it's bad for bussiness (their words, not mine)

  6. Poor nutrition

    Genetic Predisposition

    Poor Exercising

  7. you can eat a ton of food as long as you are getting enough exercise and burning the calories.

    people get fat because of genetics, poor eating choices, lifestyle and being too sedentary.

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