
How do police officers know when your not telling the truth?

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How do police officers know when your not telling the truth?




  1. Either because they already know what happened and they are just trying to get you to confirm the situation in order to make a stronger case. Or they actually don't know whether or not you are telling the truth but are just hoping that you will let something slip. Also to let you know cops only ever use lie detectors when they are desperate because they are so easy to fool.  Cops don't go round looking for "clues" to solve a crime. What they do is start with a pretty good idea of who did it then they know what kind of clues to look for.

  2. They don't, all a police officer is, is just a aggressive lawyer with power who is trying to make money off of you. With snake oil mind tactics.

  3. You know those cool looking sunglasses that most cops wear?  They have a special tint in the lenses that allow cops to see the aura of someone they are talking to.  If you are lying your aura changes from blue to red, and even though you think you're doing a good job of lying a cop just watches for the color shift and he knows you're lying.  Keep this info under your hat, it's the best kept secret in law enforcement.

  4. They can tell because they have likely delt with similar situations numerous times, and know what common answers are.  Sometimes there is a bit of guess work that goes on, but by and large the suspect gives it away with his/her demeanor.

  5. d**n you guys really dont like your law enforcement.

  6. They don't. They assume all of us are lying.

  7. Eyes,sweat,speech,breathing,and asking the same question their asked while thinking of an answer.

  8. you are still breathing

  9. They have been trained to observe behaviour pupil dialation patterns of speech and body language too confirm if you are lying.

  10. cops are trained to look at peoples body language and eyes and the way they talk. and thats basically it we do it alot of time but abunch of times we already know your guillty and want you to confirm it.

  11. when i was in training my sergeant said to me every one lies to you but be pleasantly surprised when someone tells the truth!.

  12. Unlike what some people have said, officers don't "assume" everyone is lying. That's a ridiculous stereotype. Many times, body language gives you away, or how you say things. If you break eye contact when answering a question, they might think you're lying. Other things such as sweating,the pitch of your voice, etc. can also tip off an officer that you might be lying. Inconsistencies in your story are also suspicious. Hope that helps!

  13. Of course they don't always know if you are lying, however, the cops with experience can usually make an experienced guess as to whether someone is telling the truth.  At times they can smell alcohol and drugs on the breath of the person who is being questioned.  That does it!  The way a person looks or reacts to questioning can help them make an accurate assessment of the situation. A cop who has been on the street for a number of years can just look at a person and can make an accurate judgment.

  14. you're lips are moving

  15. Just like the guy said cops are trained to believe that ever thing you say is a lie.

  16. THEY DONT, the police can manipulate you into saying anything at all though. They can lie and say anything they want.

  17. People usually have "tells" when they are lying.  There are things that people do when they lie, according to psychologists, and police officers are trained to recognize those signs.

  18. They dont, their just trained to twist words up to get you to give them conflicting answers to their questions.

    They just assume everyone lies to them.

    Its about the same as a lawyers view on life "question everything"

    Well some of them anyway, the others have a hard time tying thier shoes without getting confused.

  19. we hear the same lies by everyone we stop.  when we stop someone and they are sitting there looking straight ahead not saying a word and their eyes are so blood shot they are glowing, and there is a beer can sitting next to them and we ask them if they have been drinking and they say no.  we already know the answer.  if you tell the truth will determine your outcome.  i usually wont write someone a seatbelt ticket if thats the reason i stopped them and they tell me the truth when i ask them if they know why i stopped them.  when i just got done watching them put it on after i stop them.

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