
How do quickand occur? can anyone determine if there is a quicksand ahead of him/?

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what is a qiucksand?




  1. Quicksand occurs when water circulates through the sand. It is also required that there be some salt there also. As for knowing if it's ahead of you, I haven't any clue.

  2. Quicksand is a colloid hydrogel consisting of fine granular matter (such as sand or silt), clay, and salt water.

    Basically, water circulation underground can focus in an area with just the right mixture of fine sands and other materials such as clay. The water moves up and then down slowly in a convection-like manner throughout a column of sand under optimal conditions, and the sand remains a generally solid mass. This lubricates the sand particles and renders them unable to support any significant weight, since they move around with very little friction, behaving more like a liquid when exposed to stress. Since the water does not usually go all the way up through the sand, the sand above does not appear to move at all, and can support leaves and other small debris, making quicksand difficult to distinguish from the surrounding environment.

    After the initial disturbance—such as a person attempting to walk on it—the water and sand in the quicksand separate and dense regions of sand sediment form; it is because of the formation of these high volume fraction regions that the viscosity of the quicksand seems to suddenly increase. If a person steps in it they will start to sink. In order to move within the quicksand, a person or object must apply sufficient pressure on the compacted sand to re-introduce enough water to liquefy it. The forces required to do this are quite large: to remove a foot from quicksand at a speed of one centimeter per second would require the same amount of force as "that needed to lift a medium-sized car."

  3. It is sand with a lot of water in it, such that it looks solid, but behaves like a liquid when you step in it.

    The best way I know to determine if quicksand is ahead is to have someone you don't like walk about 10 feet in front of you.  When they sink, you'll know not to keep walking.

  4. Quicksand can appear at the mouths of river or even contruction sites where there is a lot of erosion. Retension ponds become clogged with mud creating something like quicksand. The best idea while walking in the woods is to have a stick or staff to probe the ground in front of you. You could also use the stick the free yourself.

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