
How do "higher class" cigar smokers deal with the increased salivation while smoking their cigar?

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It's a known fact that smoking a cigar triggers increased salivation. I handle the issue by either smoking my cigars outside where I can spit freely or keeping a plastic cup next to me when smoking inside to spit in. Obviously, I know my methods of handling this problem would be offensive to the "higher class" of cigar smoking such as those who patronize cigar lounges. My question is how do these types of cigar smokers handle the increased salivation? Is it safe to just swallow? Thanks for the insight.




  1. I have NO idea where DaChickenLady pulled that incorrect info from!

    Most swallow it - its safe.  Others will spit.

  2. They use spittoons and sometimes do monkey business.

  3. If you're really high class, you won't smoke cigars.  Do you not know that using tobacco increases your risk of death?  High class people take that into consideration and take better care of themselves!

  4. Just swallow your saliva.  There is no reason to spit when smoking a cigar.  

  5. Unbalanced cigars can increase salivation or dry up the mouth.  You shouldn't have either problem with well-balanced cigars that use a variety of tabacco.  It is not safe to swallow because cigar smoke dissolves more easily than cigarette smoke in saliva.

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