
How do race horses get their names?

by Guest60767  |  earlier

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How do race horses get their names?




  1. The owners pick the names... the jockeys have nothing to do with it. I think Poster #1 up there was smoking something. Horses are named long before a jockey even sets his eyes on the horse.

    Sometimes it's based on the parents names, sometimes in cute ways (Son Of Greek Myth???... that's HORRIBLE!!!... there was actually a horse runnig a few years ago named Fourty Niner's Son, only neither of his parents were named Fourty Niner. I don't get it), Stephen Got Even has a son named Don't Get Mad, I thought that was rather clever. Sometimes it's just a name the owners like.

    The horse's name just has to fit in the Jockey Club guidelines --18 characters or less, no profanities, if you name it after someone famous or infamous, you have to get it okayed first, which makes no sense, there's a horse running named Kate Winslet which is apparently okay, but someone wanted to name their horse Sally Hemmings (illegitimate daughter of Thomas Jefferson) and the Jockey Club said no. The owner is appealing that ruling and that horse is now running under the name Awaiting Justice. Clever.

  2. the owner or jockey picks the name based on significance...Or they name them certain things to symbolize something else.

    EX: Man from Above

    (the owner  or jockey likes god)

  3. Quite simply, the owner will chose a name they want to use.  Sometimes an owner uses a particular theme to name their horses - for example I know someone who names all their horses with a name beginining with the letter G.

    Sometimes the owner gets clever and names the horse something that is relevent to the name of the sire (father) and dam (mother) - for example, one of my favourites is CLOG DANCE - he is by Woodman out of Royal Fandango.

    Some people are very unoriginal and call their horses something stupid like SON OF GREEK MYTH.  Yes he exists, and yes his mother IS called Greek Myth.

    There are certain rules that must be followed when naming a horse.  Some fo these are:

    1. A horses name can be no more than 18 characters, including spaces.

    2. You cannot use a name that is on the Register of Horse Names.  This is a list of all the names currently in use.  Names cannot be used again until at least 5 years after the death of the original horse.  Names of winners of major race are protected forever, so there will never be another Red Rum or Shergar.  One loop hole though is that the horses name is registered in the country of its birth, this is why you can sometimes get two horses with the same name at the same time - because they have been registered in different countries.

    3. You cannot use a name whos meaning, spelling or pronunciation can be deemed offensive or insulting.

    Some famous examples of names that have been turned down are: Joe Blob, Wearthefoxhat (say it fast in an Irish accent!) and Mary Hinge.

    4. You cannot use names that may cause confusion under the rules of racing.  For example you cannot call a horse "They're Off" or "Photo Finish".

    There are other rules, but these cover the basics.

  4. They have wealthy owners w/nothing better to do w/their time!!!!!

  5. The owners choose their names. A lot of times it's a similiar name of the sire or mare or a combination of the two, or it's simply a name the owner likes.

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