
How do races form?

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please dont say there are no such thing as races and also dont limit the differences to skin because there seem to be other biological differences

one example based on MY observations is that black people seem to have a lot of fast twitch fibers, which is why they can dunk and win the 100m gold medal but not win the Tour de France, which is a cycling race that uses slow twitch fibers

this is not a good thing or a bad thing, just an example based on my observations

i know that one theory is that if you live in the heat then you are more prone to being skinny and if you live in the cold you are more prone to being husky

diet also plays a role-even in skin color

i know that people adapt just as animals have, but over a shorter period of time so there are not that many differences

please tell me your theories as to why we are diverse




  1. different places

  2. It is all in the {EYE}s. And your {EYE} color determines your racial background.

  3. well, first there IS a such thing as race...but the problem i have with your question is that you are generalizing ppl based on sports...not all black people can dunk and there are whites and Asians who can ball just as well...ppl r not plants or objects that can fit perfectly into specific categories and react the exact same way  in an i ask that you reconsider how you are going about answering this question...have you bothered to look at things such as plants and animals from the 'native' regions of these peoples?  or landscaping, climate, CULTURE?!  white ppl have culture and different races too...

    on the other hand, i believe that race was formed based on a peoples' depending on where they lived, their skin color adapted to the climate, enabling them to withstand extreme cold/heat or even large amounts of water (Pacific Islanders)...then b/c we (naturally) rely on each other for survival, we grouped together forming villages or tribes and nations, we began speaking a language, and developed the same values and norms, creating a culture specific to that group...

    hope this helps...this is a very sensitive area to study so i ask that you DIG DEEPER there's more to it than what you have so far

  4. enviormental stress

  5. that fiber bit is not because of a person's race but how a person trains. if a person trains for basketball or lives an environment where those muscles are in use mostly then they'll be good for whatever sport or job that uses those muscles. this is similar to IQ tests. IQ is whatever the person who makes the tests want it to be. there is no tangible thing inside someone that is IQ and can be measured. it's performance on various levels which are are then added to make up IQ.

    as for biological differences between races...the general consensus is that races do not exist because there is no biological differences between races. it's believed that there are differences because when you look generally at a color group one sees similar characteristics. however, those same characteristics can be found in ever race be it black, white, brown or rather, brown, pink and tan, or sienna, pale, and mocha. if each race was identified by a certain characteristic, common to all, then it would be expressed as such, but it's not so logically one has to say that there is not such thing as race since a contradiction arises.

    as for skin color and cultural differences themselves (aspects which make up race) those come from biology, society, environment. skin via biology since past genes developed to adapt the bets possible way to the environment, the environmental demands that mark the change, and the behaviors which the environment ultimately calls for. i.e. to eas ants if all there is is ants or to sing and dance if there is little food or stimulation. that sort of thing. race needs to be given the boot because honestly i see no reason for it being here other than for political purposes, which are never good.

  6. I know that in my antro class race is just a name that was placed because of scientist. Everyone in this world breathes the same same color of blood has the same organs. As far as skin color its the regions of where people live if you live closer to the equator you are darker complexion then if you live further away. Also the darker the skin that means the more Milan you have in your body that is what makes the pigment in the skin. Back in the Homo Sepens the Skinner you were the better because of the sun. The sun would only beam on the top of the head vs if you where husky. So as of the studies I have done and what I have learned in school scientist put diversity in the human language.

  7. Wait, you've observed that black people have more fast twitch muscle fiber? It's not like there aren't any black cyclists, and maybe you'd want to look at who the great long-distance runners are/were.

    I'd say you're half way there. Human diversity can be explained via selective pressures of regional environements, but ascribing too much to those pressures, or not getting what is selected for and what isn't in this manner, is a big mistake. Another thing to remember is that not all diversity is because of genetic differences. The human body is malleable in its formative years, and so plasticity can play a huge role. Childhood diet can play a huge role in body shape later in life.

    I won't say there isn't race. I will say that the paradigm of race gets things wrong. There are better ways to classify human diversity. Race includes things like intelligence (which, like it or not, we measure indirectly), which tends to more strongly correlate to social class. Race ends up being more a political tool than a scientific one. I would urge you, if you are interested in human diversity, to study human diversity on its own terms, and not under the umbrella of racial studies. You'll end up trying to fit everything under that umbrella, and it just won't fit.

  8. Know one can know the answer to that question, anything anyone says is pure speculation, some things will never be known.

  9. OK yes there are certain people within certain races that are good at basketball and such but it is "NORMAL" (in other words statistically apparent) for black people to have a lower % body fat index than whites and whites than asians, so their are definite genetic differences. Dont say that certain, obvious, genetic differences exist but deny others could exist that is just stupid.

    Races developed out of necessity of environment. Races is a less developed form of evolution. The only defining characteristic of species is inability of different species to bear fertile offspring. Since all races can inter breed with fertile offspring they are not different species. This would be largely because of the relatively short time the different races have existed and the constant interbreeding between races.

    Africans have darker skin because they live under a stronger sun and get sickle cell more often because it wards off malaria. Norther europeans are fair because of lack of sun and have smaller noses to warm cold air before it hits the lungs.

    There are alot of these characteristics, but what I have never personally seen is a huge difference in intellect and especially not one that can be specifically shown in genetics. As I see it all races had to use their minds to become the dominant species in their respective lands and so all races should have very well developed thought processes. Not to mention given the percent of each race in any given non-bias area, the percent of proffessionals, teachers, proffessors, etc holds up pretty well.

    But please to the other people that answered this question dont take offense to things that arent even attacks. I have not verified but the questioner may be correct and blacks may indeed have more fast-twitch muscle fiber on average, he isnt being a bigot just making an observation.

    Just because you dont want to admit the sky is blue doesnt mean it isnt.
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