
How do remove water from your gas tank?

by  |  earlier

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water was put in gas tank thinking there was gas in gas can 91 honda accord i already got most of the water out at the in let about 3/4 gas and water left what should i do




  1. Remove gas tank

    Remove all liquid from tank

    Install tank back with new fuel filter

    Put in fresh gas and have a nice day.

  2. I am presuming the reason why you did this was that your gas tank was empty?  How much water went in to how much gas?  All is open to speculation.

    Assume is gas tank is virtually empty except for what you have in it now.


    1) get a couple of cans (about the size of soda bottles) of dry gas at your local auto parts store.  Add to gas tank.

    2) Fill the tank up with gas (using containers)

    Once tank is full...then start car...if not too much water went'll be fine.  It may run a little rough, but it will be fine.  The roughness will  end with your next tank.

  3. When this happened to me my car kept stalling then it reached a point where it wouldn't start at all.  I had to be towed to the car dealer they had to remove the gas tank to get all the water out.

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