
How do report poor customer service?

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My friend is having an issue, her sister works at AT&T and shut her sister's cell phone off as a way of revenge so she called to talk to the manager an hour ago and they still haven't turned it back on. What can she do next?




  1. what call center does her sister work at? did she personally access her sisters acct? she can and will lose her job if she accessed the account of a family member or friend.

  2. Wow, I'd be fired if I accessed a family member or friend's account at ALL never mind actually turned off their phone. Call back, repeatedly, until she gets a supervisor who can do something.  (call AT&T customer service, that is, not a store.)  

  3. Call back into customer service and ask to speak with the shift manager on call. Explain the situation, and remember to be calm and polite--  remember that the person you are talking to is the one who will be able to help you.

    Your friend's sister will undoubtable be terminated if this turns out to be true.  Even accessing a friend or relative's account is grounds for dismissal in these contact centers.

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