
How do rescue workers know who they should not try to revive?

by  |  earlier

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like in the news, a girl jumped from a building and her body was not broken (her arms were) and she was bleeding from her head. Very sad story. There was no ambulence. They just took her away in a bag! :(

How do they know if they cannot revive someone? Checking the pupils of their eyes, etc.? How do they know the difference between unconscious and gone forever? (when the person looks still looks somewhat "normal"?

Why didn't they try to revive her or how did they know they couldn't?




  1. They recieve extensive training.They know what to look for when they come upon a person who has been injured.They also have contact with doctors who can tell them what to do if they run into a situation they havent been completely trained for.I have had courses and unless you actually do it it is hard to explain.This link might help with your question.

  2. i dont think that should have happened

    i think they should have done everything that they could have done to help her

    she probably wasnt breathing or something or her head was so badly injured that the rescue workers experience told them that there was nothing that they could do to help her

  3. Some of the guidelines:

    1 - pupils are dilated and not responsive to light

    2 - no pulse

    3 - no breathing

    4 - no response to pain

    Signs of  massive head trauma or massive blunt-force trauma

    In a fall, the body can appear undamaged to the untrained person, but the internal organs are ruptured beyond repair ... the ribs are shattered and feel like gravel.

    ADDING: You can't do CPR if the ribs are crushed, and you can't use a respirator if the lungs are ruptured.  Sometimes the only thing you can do is slide them into a body bag.

  4. the are certain signs that she was not alive and breathing or lack of it is one of them, the amount of time she was not breathing, the pupils of the eyes, also tell a person she was not alive, she would not have a pulse either or heartbeat, and alot of blood loss as you stated..  Taking a first aid course would be very helpful to you.

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