
How do resources constrain or limit plant production?

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How do resources constrain or limit plant production?




  1. Plant require resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. Once any resource is exhausted no more plants can grow. Sunlight can be exhausted by shading. Some plants shade the ground in order to stunt the growth of other plants.

    this is one reason for selective cutting of trees.

  2. Which specific resources are you talking about? Natural resources in general, are finite, meaning they are limited in what they can supply. For example, water resources, particularly out-west are scarce because rainfall is a major issue....without rainfall most plants will have a tough time producing chlorophyll. Plants make food by way of the following: 1) light, 2) through the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between plants and animals and 3) water. Without these 3 elements, most plants will die.

  3. All plants have to have a certain amount of room to grow and sunlight and water and nutrients to survive! Less of anyone of these and the plant won't grow to its fullest potential and won't produce as much seed for replication and a source of food supply! How about lets put you in a room the size of your closet and very little light and feed you about a quarter of what you eat now and how well would you do? Its the same with all living things including plants, animals and humans! I hope this is helpful?

  4. Resources such as oils can limit plant production by burying it underground near the plant or if the plant has exposed to too much sulphides.

  5. plants require basic nutrients for their growth and development. to produce food for growth they require water, sunlight and oxygen. they also need the soil which holds moisture and other nutrients and also provide support for the roots.

    deficiency of any nutrient or mineral leads to some side effect which may range from staunting, shadding or yellowing of leaves,  to wilting/death.

    poor production of crops could be attributed to various levels of deficiencies in plant nutrient requirements

  6. see....plant production now a days is constrained by the resources because people today are more inclined in sustainable development-reason no. 1......the resources are getting shrinked because of excessive use by the human beings. plant production is not the only one but many other things are there that harm the environment. Plant production in a way is a good thing because it is now very necessary bacause of rising temperature of the earth but man produces plants for his own selfish needs and produce those plants that are commercially profitabe. they produce plant in access without having an appropriate knowledge that how it should be planted...makes the soil infertile and makes it unproductive for the environment which extact benifits from it due to overirrigation that leds to salinisation.

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