
How do rock stars get to travel the world, and use drugs, and the common man cannot even get into Canada?

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if they have had a DUI?




  1. private jets? not sure, but I think that is the answer, and they probably use the jet of someont elses so that they are nothing more than a guest.I am not really sure, but it is a good question lol

  2. obviously Money talks

    and they contribute something to our society, entertainment. What are you going to do when you visit??

  3. because people love them! I toured with AHC and they imported crystal meth into england. ******* idiots.

    Canada has sensible rules, they don´t want idiots intheir country, so they make it difficult to get in. If you have a trade, they should accept you.  

  4. uh...lets see...MONEY ???

  5. because our values have dropped enormously, i say we go back to the days (like when the romans were in charge) when we considered actors to be in the same class as prostitutes.  they are essentially a useless class of people, who only provided weak entertainment at best, and due not getting into canada because of a dui?  that's weak dude.  try another check point until you find the guard who'll just ask one or two questions and let you go on your way

  6. Neither can the rock star.

  7. i've had a dui and have been to canada about 20 times since. not even 4 months ago i went to canada and had no problems coming or going.

  8. The trick is they buy their drugs after they cross the boarder and they don't have Felony or DUI offenses on their records. Here is something else that you might find interesting? Americans driving across the border, do not know of this restriction and are not asked about DUI convictions by immigration officials. If a person coming in is asked and lies, that would be grounds for removal from the country.So chances are you could slip in without ever getting asked about you DUI. If they were to push this to the letter of the law George Bush would have to apply for a waiver to enter Canada because he's had past DUI convictions here is a link about it:

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